Zooz ZSE40 4-1 Motion Sensor and other Zooz devices (ZSE01, ZSE02)

Aaaaah, interesting… thanks for pointing this out! We’ll do some testing with your code and see what results we get.

Let me know what you’re able to figure out, afraid I’ve hit a dead end :frowning:

let me know if you need help.

I sure would love help, Larry! We just need a code to plug into this device handler which will allow us to manually correct the temperature post-collection (I have one in progress that I posted a few posts above, but there’s also the original by Robert or the company version in this post: Zooz ZSE40 4-1 Motion Sensor and other Zooz devices (ZSE01, ZSE02))

Thanks in advance!

Which would you like me to modify.

I have one of these devices so I can test.

Great, thank you! I’ll attach what I’ve modified so far, which just deleted some tiles I don’t use and changed the color scheme: https://gist.github.com/Njhaley/034f4cb86506cb97c2aa70fc793e6750

you just want offsets? I didn’t see a point because the zooZ sensor has the most accurate temp sensor that I have seen yet. This could be done with a preference and then just make the reported value be the actual value plus the offset… PIece of cake. But aside from that, have you shot the sensor with a non-contact laser thermometer or placed a known accurate thermometer right next to it and found the zooZ to actually be reading incorrectly? Just curious… The Aeon multis run about 2-3 degrees warm when they are plugged in which makes sense… but these are battery powered so that’s really a non issue…

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Anyone have any idea why my ZSE09 Motion Detector installs as a Door/Window Sensor in ST?
Please understand that I am brand new to ST.

I have to agree – at least mine is pretty darn accurate as far as the temperature is concerned. Your other option is to just adjust your trigger points up or down in whatever you are using to deal with the output. Post-processing is always an option to consider!

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Hi Louis, sorry for the delay, we somehow missed that post.

The ZSE09 needs a custom device handler, here is the code:

And here are step-by-step instructions how to install custom device handlers for SmartThings (just make sure to use the code above instead of the one mentioned in the article since it’s regarding a different sensor):

Feel free to contact our customer service for more details: http://www.thesmartesthouse.com/pages/contact-us

Thanks for the response.
I have had several communications with Ask Zooz who were very helpful and
here is a copy of the result.

"The solution to the Mini Sensor problems is the URL. After managing to
move every thing to the new URL (https://graph-na02-useast1.
api.smartthings.com) I was finally able to see the Mini Sensor in the Type
list. Took quite a while to show up but it is there now with all of its
Who ever is responsible for the Smartthings web structure needs some
lessons in communication.

Thanks again for your assistance."

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You know I’ve heard this from a few people now where they sign into like the wrong server for the ide that services their hub but you’d never know it save for the fact it doesn’t work right. Kinda weird. You’d think region handling would be done transparently.

I have encountered rapid battery depletion from multiple Zooz ZSE40’s. In about 1 month’s time the battery went from 100% to 20%. Is anyone else having such poor battery performance?

All of the sensors are located near Z-wave repeaters (mainly GE Z-wave switches), and I have installed the latest device handlers linked to by @TheSmartestHouse and Zooz. I increased thresholds for temperature reporting and left luminance and humidity change reporting at their default values. The PIR Rest Time was increased from 3 to 5, and motion sensitivity was reduced to 2.

A pair of Aeon Labs Multisensor 6’s, and Ecolink PIR-ZWAVE2’s still report 100% battery life.

Hi Eric,

It may be a communication issue. Did you include the sensor at its target location or close to the hub and then moved it?

Devices were included from near their target location after all of the switches were installed so that the Z-wave repeater network was in place.

Multiple Z-wave repairs have been run since then. Other battery powered motion, door, and multifunction sensors have not had such high levels of battery usage. Also, they all started at 100% battery life when the system was setup, so it wasn’t just old batteries.

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I have exactly the same setup. The zooZ sensor is next to (3) Z-Wave switches which act as repeaters. When you unplug and reset the Smartthings hub is will rebuild the routing tables. I’m sure I’m getting routed through the switches. My zooZ sensor works fine. The only issue is battery drain.

After contacting customer service, they were nice enough to send me a replacement. I increased the thresholds and the device now does work a bit better. I go from 100% to 20% in about 1.5 to 2 months with 1-2 motion events per day. Previously, I had this drain in 2 weeks. I have other motion sensors and their battery life has been superior.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for providing the details. Please get in touch with our customer service so we can review the settings for the sensor in more detail and see if there is anything else that can be adjusted to optimize battery life: http://www.thesmartesthouse.com/pages/contact-us

Is it normal for this sensor to not be detecting motion up very close? I have it setup in a spare bathroom and use core to trigger the lights on for 5m after motion detected. Been using it for a few days and every time I’ve been on the toilet I end up in the dark waving my hands around with no lights lol. I end up having to use the app to turn them back on while this close to the sensor ( a foot away). That being said, when the bathroom door is open it triggers the lights as I come down the stairs (15 feet away). I’m fine with that just to light my path, but pooping in the dark just isn’t gonna work.

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Is it by design that this doesn’t report temp/humidity until there is motion?