Zooz ZSE40 4-1 Motion Sensor and other Zooz devices (ZSE01, ZSE02)

The device is finicky which is why I added that tile to the last version I released and I would have mentioned it sooner, but I completely forgot about it.

The current device firmware only reports the light level as a %, but one of the engineers supplied a conversion chart. THe numbers didn’t seem right and after comparing them against a sensor that reports in lux, the chart is way off.

I have 3 of the 4-in-1 sensors sitting next to 2 of the dome motion sensors which report in lux. I have them all set to the most frequent and sensitive light settings and I’m logging all their events to Google Sheets.

I wasn’t able to release it last weekend because I didn’t have enough data, but I’ll definitely have it completed by the end of this weekend.

FYI, if you don’t want to wait or would rather use one of the other device handlers you can open the device in the IDE and switch it to a different device handler without having to remove the device.

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@krlaframboise How are you automating the process of getting the data into Google Sheets?

Nice. I will have to look into that. Thank you for sharing the details!

I just released a new version that allows you to report the light level as either lux or %. I’ve also added a lux offset adjustment you can use if it appears to always be reporting low or high.

The conversion is based off of 1,000+ events from 5 sensors, but I’m still not that confident with the accuracy so as soon as I get a 3rd type of device that reports lux I’ll revisit the calculation and make adjustments if needed.


Kevin, do you have a RELEASE page for your ZSE40 DTH? May want to consider it…
Also, it there any [easy] way to integrate GitHub updates directly?

I played around with your DTH today, and as a rule, it appears to work just fine.

Motion is updated in [almost] realtime; the typical lag associated with the ZSE40 is still there; this is not a function of your DTH as the other 2 I have tried also have this behaviour, making me believe this is device issue [as compared to an Iris motion sensor, which is near-instantaneous]

I have my settings as follows:
Temperature change = 20 = 2 degrees
Humidity change = 1 = 1% [yes i WANT very FREQUENT UPDATES]
Light change = 10 = 10% [don’t really care]

My findings are thus:
Not been able to test temperature & humidity in full yet
Light change, from near total darkness to 100% [as measure from 4 75W daylight bulbs 1.2m away], and the reverse, takes UP TO A MINUTE to update in the tiles…It reads 100.00% Light but only reports 48.43 lx Light. Something be wrong with the lx calcs me thinks!. The 2 other DTHs, at full on lights, report 100 lx…

Humidity, being relative, I will most likely not be able to provide feedback on [I also have no other device to compare it against] Temp feedback to follow.

PS. I used 0 offset for all reported values.


I didn’t originally create a topic for the DTH because there were already a couple of others, but due to the interest in it, I plan on creating one tonight.

For GitHub integration use:


I find its motion reporting faster than the GoControl/Linear Motion Sensor, but a little bit slower than the Dome Motion Sensor.

The device appears to report temp, humidity, and light changes about every 3 minutes so you won’t see the light changes immediately.

The 100% light level is the value the device is reporting so once it’s reached there’s no way to determine how much higher the lux value really is.

I’m not saying that my calculation is correct, but I know that showing 100 lux for 100% is wrong because the engineers conversion chart tops out around 80 lux. That being said, I don’t trust their conversion chart because it shows 1 lux at 20%, but I know it’s not higher than 80 lux because 55 lux is about the highest I’ve seen another device report while this device was still reporting below 100%.

Based on my testing, the average lux level at 100% is around 49 so that’s the maximum lux level the device handler is able to accurately report. The illuminance value has to be set to a number, but I think I’ll change the text shown in the device handler to “MAX” because once it reaches 100%, there’s no way to determine if it’s off by 1 lux or 5,000 lux.

Both lux reporting devices I have are the same model so my calculation will be off if that device isn’t accurate, but I used controlled tests that I can easily repeat once I get another lux reporting device.

The only way I was able to get reliable results was to put 2 lux reporting devices and 3 of these devices in a room at night and change the light level by 50% every 5 minutes (changed from Off to 50%, 50% to 1%, 1% to 51%, etc.) to ensure that all devices reported every time the light level changed.

I then rearranged the devices, repeated the test and used the logged data to calculate the difference between the average lux and average % for every 10% light change.

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Thanks for your diligence in testing and for putting all the data and the DTH together for the community to use.

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I created a release page for it and I also added a setting for max lux that allows you to specify the value that it reports when the device is maxed out at 100%.

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Can the zooz/Monoprice multi 4:1 use the the same mounting bracket like the aeotec ones?

The Zooz sensor comes with a dedicated mounting bracket and it can’t be used with one from a different device like the Aeotec multisensor.

Hi all,

Sorry to bother, but this is my first day with a ST Hub 2, and I’m learning the ropes. I just installed an outdoor gate sensor, and it’s working great.

However, when I try to install my new Zooz ZSE02 motion detector, I struggle.

I’ve created a new DH per another user’s helpful instructions, called “robertvandervoort : zooZ motion sensor ZSE-02 - RV 1.1” and I’ve published it for me.

I then go back to my iPhone’s app, go to “Add a Thing” under the “My Home” list, but all I ever see pop up is the generic “Z-Wave Sensor.” I never see any other devices pop up, even after waiting a bit and pulling down the refresh list. I was expecting to see “zooZ 4-in-1 sensor - RV 1.0” in the list, but I’m not.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, and again, sorry to bother.


edit: If it’s any help, here’s the log of my activity while I was trying to add the device:

38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:37 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:37 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:37 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 0
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:37 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:17 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:17 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:17 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 13
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:30:17 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:57 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:57 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:57 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 12
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:57 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:37 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:37 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:37 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 11
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:37 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:18 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:18 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:18 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 10
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:18 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:08 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:08 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:08 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 9
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:29:08 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:58 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:58 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:58 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 8
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:58 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 7
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 6
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:48 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:44 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:44 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:44 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 5
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:44 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:34 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:34 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:34 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 4
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:34 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:27 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:27 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:27 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 3
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:27 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:22 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:22 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:22 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 2
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:22 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 1
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: info No installed apps found, calling deviceDiscovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: trace in migration code block
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: trace calling migration script
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:28:17 PM: trace in discovery
44e93817-9726-4838-9775-6c1bb4844ca4 9:27:54 PM: trace getPhrases(), state.welcomeIssue = null
b4ee2353-fc06-4140-9193-9d09444fd519 9:27:54 PM: trace timestamp(12:00), timeZone: America/Los_Angeles
b4ee2353-fc06-4140-9193-9d09444fd519 9:27:54 PM: trace timestamp(6:00), timeZone: America/Los_Angeles
44e93817-9726-4838-9775-6c1bb4844ca4 9:27:43 PM: trace getPhrases(), state.welcomeIssue = null
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:27:18 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:52 PM: debug updated called
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:44 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:44 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:44 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 6
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:44 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:34 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:34 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:34 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 5
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:34 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:24 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:24 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:24 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 4
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:24 PM: trace in discovery
7829f8f6-81c1-4db5-829e-97671a9783de 9:26:24 PM: warn Exception ‘java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method parse() on null object’ encountered parsing 'cmd: 5E02, payload: 01 06 00 0C 07 0C 07’
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:14 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:14 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:14 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 3
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:14 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:09 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:09 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:09 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 2
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:09 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 1
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: info No installed apps found, calling deviceDiscovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: trace in migration code block
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: trace calling migration script
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:26:04 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:34 PM: debug updated called
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:32 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:32 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:32 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 7
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:32 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:22 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:22 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:22 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 6
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:22 PM: trace in discovery
7829f8f6-81c1-4db5-829e-97671a9783de 9:25:13 PM: warn Exception ‘java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method parse() on null object’ encountered parsing 'cmd: 5E02, payload: 01 06 00 0C 07 0C 07’
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:12 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:12 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:12 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 5
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:12 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 4
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 4
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:25:02 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:53 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:53 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:53 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 3
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:53 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:52 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:52 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:52 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 2
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:52 PM: trace in discovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: info No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: info scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 1
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: info No installed apps found, calling deviceDiscovery
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: trace in migration code block
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: trace calling migration script
38fbffb7-4662-4451-82f4-f10cbd1f1a21 9:24:47 PM: trace in discovery
72a4f25c-808a-4969-87c4-a9cbe050dc6e 9:24:43 PM: debug Parse returned {{ linkText }} has arrived
9d242a2a-8fb6-4ec2-881b-388e35cafdb0 9:24:38 PM: info SHM getInitialData 0.022 (00) incidents:00, locationId:2dadfe4c-0f65-4c3f-b994-a274f535b01e
9d242a2a-8fb6-4ec2-881b-388e35cafdb0 9:24:38 PM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-green, iconColor:#79b821, value:Everything OK, heroInfo:[heroStatus:ok, heroMessage:Everything OK]]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-green, heroInfo:[heroStatus:ok, heroMessage:Everything OK], value:Everything OK, iconColor:#79b821]]
72a4f25c-808a-4969-87c4-a9cbe050dc6e 9:24:38 PM: debug Parse returned {{ linkText }} has arrived

You could go the IDE and manually change the device handler to the one you published. That should do the trick.

That worked! Thanks!

I have to admit that at first I thought the mounting bracket was unnecessarily bulky and complex, but it really didn’t matter because the shape of the device allows it to be mounted on walls and in corners without the bracket.

Out of the 8 motion sensors I have, the Zooz Multisensor was the only one I was able to mount on a slanted ceiling in the exact position and angle I needed and it wouldn’t have been possible without that bracket.

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Is it possible to buy just the bracket ?

I’ve got the Zooz ZSE40 and after nearly sending it back for being DOA I got it to pair and stop reporting motion 100% of the time. After that I used krlaframboise custom DTH (thank for all your hard work on this and others). I have read most of this thread and see many people saying to just leave it be for some time to let it calm down so to speak so I plopped this thing on a reasonably active corner in the house with no actions or scripts tide to it.

Last night I decided to install this for the real purpose I bought it for and that’s to trigger the Arlo cam at my front door. The cam is installed in a corner that gets a good shot of my front patio and walkway but as a result it has trouble triggering motion until people are on the porch or even walking away. This is because much of the approach from Arlo is a straight on one and motion detectors have trouble with this. So i got the Zooz with the intent to have it trigger the cam earlier as it can be placed more optimally. Sooooo it’s mounted about 6.5’ off the ground and has a great view of the front yard and walkway approach. I turned off the detection light and set the sensitivity to 7 (least sensitive). I left the Arlo as is to record motion whenever it gets around to detecting it. For now I set up a rule when Zooz detected motion to alert me with a push message. My intent was to compare motion detection logs with Zooz and Arlo to find the sweet spot in sensitivity.

I did this at roughly 6am this morning and by the time I got to work I disable the alert because it was going off a loty. My reset time is set to 1 min but it still seems like it is triggering even when I watch the front yard on my camera and nothing is happening it goes off for motion. So at 11:30 this morning I was notified by Arlo it picked up motion and sure enough there was a video of the back of my UPS drivers head. I checked Zooz and what there was nothing. In fact it hadn’t picked up motion in nearly 20 minutes prior to that.

It seems that on 7 it won’t even pickup a 200lb man right in front of it but it will pickup a car zipping by at 40 in front of my house 50 feet away. My Iris motion inside is predictable and quick (to sensitive though for outside). What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance for any help.

Are you using the paper clip to wake the device up after changing the settings and verifying that the time in the bottom right corner changes to the current time?

If you didn’t wake the device up after changing that setting there’s a good chance that in the morning it was still on one of the more sensitive settings and then it woke up and accepted the sensitivity change to 7 and stopped detecting motion.

I’ve found that level 7 pretty much disables the motion sensor so try changing it to #6, but make sure you wake the device up afterwards by pushing that button with the paper clip and verify that that it woke up by checking the time in the bottom right tile.

PIR devices usually can’t detect motion through glass so do you have it mounted outside?

Thanks for the response, yes I’ve been pressing the button with the paperclip within seconds each time after updates. It still seems sporadic in behavior after trying some different settings. I’ve moved the sensitivity down to 5 and brought it inside placing it near my Iris motion sensor and compared detection results. The Iris gets me every single time after the 3 min reset. The Zooz is temperamental and many times won’t fire a trigger but then might do it a minute later after everyone has left the room. I’m going to continue some experimentation with angles and distances and if I’m unable to get something usable I’m going to be left with sending it back. I hope thats not the case as I have high hopes for the unit.

Hi @Smartphi, sorry for the late reply, we must have missed it. We don’t sell the bracket as an accessory but feel free to contact our customer service so they can arrange a one-time purchase for you if needed: https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/pages/contact-us

If you already have a Zooz ZSE40 sensor, we’ll send the bracket to you free of charge. Just include your order number in the message.