I need some help in understanding how Z-Wave Groups and Scenes work from a Z-Wave protocol perspecitive (not how some controllers “extend” the functionality. So let me try to put my understanding in the form a number of statements (which may be completely wrong).
(a) only controllers maintain a list of devices belonging to a Group or a Scene
(b) group/scene data can be replicated to other controllers when the controllers support this functionality and a replication is explicipty executed
© a device has no knowledge of it being part of a group
(d) there are no command classes to manage groups, instead the controller sends a BASIC command class to the devices which are part of the group
(e) a device which is included in a scene saves its current state together with the scene ID, e.g. device specific scene settings are stored in the device, not in the controller
(f) when executing a scene, the controller sends a special scene command which includes the scene ID to the device
Any conformation or more detailed information of what happens behind the scene is appreciated.