Yeelight pro s20 hub connect to Smartthings via matter

Hi, recently i bought a yeelight pro s20 hub which support matter. I have a Samsung frame tv which possess smartthings hub supporting Matter.

Tried many time to add the yeelight hub to Smartthings but not suceess with a error page showing code: 39-101.

Can Somebody help me to add?


  • does the yeelight pro s20 hub have the latest firmware installed?
  • Are both on the same LAN or wifi network?

Yes, The firmware of yeelight pro s20is the updated version.

They are on the same WiFi network.

Do you have IPv6 enabled for your home network?

How are you attempting to add the hub?

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Yes, ipv6 enabled.

I use smartthing app and add matter icon, input the matter code of yeelight pro s20 hub but fail