Xiaomi Smoke Detector with Zigbee Smoke Sensor DTH

Is it possible to use the Xiaomi Smoke Detector with the Zigbee Smoke Sensor DTH?
I want it to run locally, in case of an internet outage.

You may be able to use the DTH if it’s supported, but that DTH will still not run local to the hub. I’m using it for Heiman’s smoke sensor, and it not local:

Type Execution Location
Zigbee Smoke Sensor Cloud

Also, you can tell the DTH doesn’t run local because it’s not called out in the meta data:

definition (name: “Zigbee Smoke Sensor”, namespace: “smartthings”, author: “SmartThings”, ocfDeviceType: “x.com.st.d.sensor.smoke”, vid: “generic-smoke”, genericHandler: “Zigbee”)

Ok, thank you for answer!

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