Xiaomi Aqara leak sensor won’t connect to ST hub v3

The only time the version of the app will affect joining of a Zigbee device is when you are attempting to perform a Zigbee 3 join as Zigbee 3 join flow is not supported in the classic app. The primary difference between joining a Zigbee 3 device and joining a Zigbee HA device is that a Zigbee 3 device requires you to scan a QR code that is typically located on said device. With all that said, as far as I am aware there are no Zigbee 3 Xiaomi devices currently available on the market.

We are aware of some recent Xiaomi devices that contain a new version of firmware. This new firmware is missing one of the values required by the Zigbee spec that is queried while a device is joining. Because this required value is missing we are currently failing to onboard Xiaomi devices that have this updated firmware. This is an issue we are aware of and are working to address; this should be resolved with some changes in the upcoming 24 release! There is not an easy way to determine if a Xiaomi device has this new firmware unless you are unable to join said device; I apologize for any issues this is currently causing you.