WV530 won’t complete “register device” with ST app

Late to upgrade from STH-ETH-001 (it registers, but new Matter lightbulbs evidently aren’t supported by v1 hub), but trying a WV530. It’s pingable, and goes almost all the way through “add device” in ST app, but then always ends with ‘can’t register this device to your account’.

Phone support is no value/no-help (escalated twice over 2+ weeks now).

I’m about to toss it and give up. Any suggestions or a way to reach someone in Mountain View?


You upgraded from the very first SmartThings hub to an deprecated hub?

When I bought it, it was just “a hub” refurbished… didn’t bother to check further. Didn’t know it was “deprecated”, just relatively inexpensive. A friend had suggested getting a Hue hub, but I figured a SM would be better.

And, since my original Kickstarter SM hub registers just fine, I figured that the one I chose should just work.

Well Samsung support told me to do the same thing I’ve done dozens of times… it didn’t work then and doesn’t work now.

Samsung support said if it still won’t complete registration within the ST app, then return the hub.

So, that’s what I’m going to do. I give up with Samsung now.