Thanks for the further info @nickd. I’ll look into that.
It works fine with the Shut Down function on 5 of my PC’s. On 3 of them, I can’t get to wake-up, but I’m sure it is a driver/NIC issue.
For others trying this, a few things I learned (apart from what others have already mentioned above):
- Make sure that the “”-command contains the exact same reference/name as what you had named your Virtual Switch, i.e. the part in bold is a reference to you Virtual Device name. I.e. if the Virtual Switch created for your PC is called “Media Server PC”, the command would look like this: "HTTP.ST.Media Server
- Wait until you have created the Virtual Switch and installed Event Ghost on the PC before creating the Event Ghost Smart app in the Mobile App. (I installed this on 5 PC’s and with 3 of them, it only started working after deleting and re-creating the Mobile app. With the last PC, I created the Mobile App last and it immediately worked.
- Restart the PC after installing Event Ghost.
- Create separate instances of the Event Ghost Smart app for each PC’s.