What's this in a device's event log, something new? (x device is a other of x device?)

Last night, my routing shifted and not for the good. My hub which used to have 22 directly connected devices, now only has 16. The bad part is that 2 of my devices are now trying to route through osram/sylvania lights which in my experience are terrible routers. Neither of those devices are working this morning because of this.

I wish there were a way to disable certain routers.

It’s getting worse, now only 11 devices are directly connected to the hub. One of my GE plugs is now routing 8 devices!

To reset Zigbee, unplug Hub and remove batteries, if applicable. Let it sit for 15 minutes then turn back on. Zigbee should update with best routes.


I knew about that process.

Most of my devices are back to their previous hops today and working again. I just wish it wasn’t such a black box. It would be nice to know why a bunch of my devices decided to switch routes and some switched to routes that didn’t work.

I had 2 osram/sylvania bulbs turn themselves on during this time, and my kitchen cabinet accents went from a soft glow to full on cold white in the middle of the night. 2 of my more “distant” devices stopped working all-together as they picked next hops that were bad routers (other osram/sylvania bulbs). I’ve been taking bad routers out of my network over time, but I still have a few to go.

No changes were made to my 2.4ghz wifi at the time. Could have been neighbors, I guess.

@BroderickCarlin, I love it! :heart:

meshInfo: {“route”: [{“type”: “DEVICE”, “deviceId”: “3AF5”}, {“type”: “DEVICE”, “deviceId”: “4FAB”}], “metrics”: {“totalMessages”: 2663, “transmitFailures”: 55, “duplicateMessages”: 38, “lastLQI”: 254, “lastRSSI”: -67, “lastResetTime”: “2020-02-13_00:14:20”}, “updatedTime”: “2020-02-17_15:38:23”}

meshInfo: {“route”: [{“type”: “DEVICE”, “deviceId”: “4FAB”}], “metrics”: {“totalMessages”: 2274, “transmitFailures”: 0, “duplicateMessages”: 0, “lastLQI”: 255, “lastRSSI”: -68, “lastResetTime”: “2020-02-13_00:14:18”}, “updatedTime”: “2020-02-17_15:38:23”}

meshInfo: {“route”: [], “metrics”: {“totalMessages”: 692, “transmitFailures”: 0, “duplicateMessages”: 0, “lastLQI”: 255, “lastRSSI”: -59, “lastResetTime”: “2020-02-13_00:14:19”}, “updatedTime”: “2020-02-17_15:58:24”}


Looks like something sexy could be coming our way!

@BroderickCarlin & @tpmanley

Honestly, this is amazing!

The living proof of the shitty OSRAM bulb firmwares. 3556 Transmit Failures vs Total Messages of 5947.

I don’t know that was it deployed with the new beta Hub firmware or is it some back-end change, but it is awesome!

I would love to see it on a map too, but I guess it is not so far away.

Thank you very much for the hard work! :+1:

  • manufacturer: OSRAM
  • meshInfo: {“route”: [], “metrics”: {“totalMessages”: 5947, “transmitFailures”: 3556, “duplicateMessages”: 1, “lastLQI”: 254, “lastRSSI”: -80, “lastResetTime”: “2020-02-13_00:14:20”}, “updatedTime”: “2020-02-17_15:58:24”}
  • model: LIGHTIFY A19 Tunable White

Very cool! are LQI and/or RSSI a measure of signal strength?

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Yes, they are. Link Quality Indicator, Received Signal Strength Indicator

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Cool. Looks like LQI has a range of 0 to 250, with 250 being the best. RSI has a range of -100
to 127. I think higher RSSI is better?

In an IEEE 802.11 system, RSSI is the relative received signal strength in a wireless environment, in arbitrary units. RSSI is an indication of the power level being received by the receiving radio after the antenna and possible cable loss. Therefore, the greater the RSSI value, the stronger the signal. Thus, when an RSSI value is represented in a negative form (e.g. −100), the closer the value is to 0, the stronger the received signal has been. - Wikipedia


Looks like they are working on it for z-wave too

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Very cool to see this. I’m really really hoping to visually see what my mesh looks like now that everything I could move from zwave to zigbee is just about finished.

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I’m not in the beta and I don’t see this yet.

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This was one of the changes made within the beta release!

Fair warning though, you will see the way this information is displayed change a bit before the official release. Mostly it will just get formatted in a friendlier fashion so you aren’t having to try and read a JSON blob. The JSON blob will be helpful for us and future things :wink:


I’ve still not received the beta firmware… :smirk:

Can this be done in a way that us mortals could still access the json blob of we want it? :slight_smile:

We don’t have any plans to expose this JSON blob to users… :wink:

I just noticed a change in the format of this info, which I like!




Yes, much easier to read.

Just FYI, the routes for Z-Wave devices are unintentionally reversed right now. So if it says the route is This Device - 02 - 03 - Hub, it’s actually going from the device to 03 to 02 to the hub. There is a fix working it’s way through the release process and I’ll update here when it goes out to production.