What is turning off plugs?

Thank you, Brad. One down, one to go. The ghost on LR-1 plug seems to be gone, but the one on BR-1 plug at 22:23 lingers on.

I’ve been responding to emails from support, but my last email, from Thursday evening, has yet to be responded to. So at this point I’m unsure of the best communication path with support.

The plug continues to power off each evening at 2223 (Pacific Time), even though I have no automation for that action.

In an last email from support I was asked to remove the plug and reset, as follows:

We request you to Delete the BR-1 plug from the account and Re-add it back and before re-adding the plug make sure to Reset the plug .

Here are the below steps to Reset Wifi Smart Plug :

  • Press and hold the Power button for 5 seconds
  • The light on the front of the outlet will blink green when it is ready to connect

I removed the plug as requested, and reset. Added it back, changing the name to “BR-1a” (renamed for my clarity). The plug continues to power off just as before (at 10:23:04 PM) . as shown in the log below, and the attached image. I didn’t have much faith in this exercise, as once the plug was re-added to my system all history restored. - the only thing missing was any of the automation’s I can see in the app. I then suspected that the plug really wasn’t totally removed from the ‘cloud’, and thus the ghost automation lingers on.

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:05 PM: trace component: main, capability: powerMeter

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:05 PM: info Parsed Description: {“correlationId”:“59f696ff-197b-8091-62a7-b45b5ecb801f”,“receiverDi”:“dealer”,“enqueueTime”:1572585784990,“path”:“/oic/route/864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7/capability/powerMeter/main/0”,“data”:{“payload”:{“unit”:“W”,“power”:0}},“senderDi”:“864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7”}

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:04 PM: trace component: main, capability: switch

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:04 PM: info Parsed Description: {“correlationId”:“e9c6785e-fa50-f6f7-c98a-df8794491dc6”,“receiverDi”:“dealer”,“enqueueTime”:1572585784710,“path”:“/oic/route/864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7/capability/switch/main/0”,“data”:{“payload”:{“power”:“off”}},“senderDi”:“864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7”}

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:04 PM: debug returned [senderDi:OCFDeviceType, receiverDi:864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7, coapToken:41ba58e1ae4c56c9, path:/oic/route/864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7/capability/switch/main/0, observeOption:null, message:[payload:[rt:[x.com.st.powerswitch], if:[oic.if.a, oic.if.baseline], power:off]], responseCode:CHANGED]

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:23:04 PM: debug postOcfCommand(/oic/route/864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7/capability/switch/main/0, [power:off])

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:16:34 PM: trace component: main, capability: powerMeter

864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7 10:16:34 PM: info Parsed Description: {“correlationId”:“109258d9-b0dd-f741-6ad3-2ff8f68189f4”,“receiverDi”:“dealer”,“enqueueTime”:1572585394783,“path”:“/oic/route/864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7/capability/powerMeter/main/0”,“data”:{“payload”:{“unit”:“W”,“power”:20}},“senderDi”:“864b9e7f-38db-7477-ed82-69982da199a7”}

Using a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 / Android version 7.0
New Smartthings app version 1.7.38-21

Thank you for interesting details and results of “exercise”. Looks like this problem is quite deep. I think it is even not related to Hub, because my ghost automation is about changing the home MODE. It is common function, which is available even without any connected Hub.

In the end, it took Smartthings support to resolve the issue, as each of the two plugs had ‘hidden’, or ‘ghost’ automations.
Several observations through all this:

  • Community has been great, but there are things that can not be resolved by the user as the system is configured now.
  • There should be a way to view ALL automations tied to a device through the web site, and delete any not wanted.
  • Device history only shows a rolling 7 days window (in the ‘new’ Android app). Makes it harder to see how a device has operated historically over time for those ‘once a week’ automations.
  • Device history is not deleted when a device is removed, reset, and added back to a system.
  • Adding additional apps and integrations would have only complicated the problem resolution.

Thank you all for your assistance.