Hello Everyone! It is my pleasure to introduce you to our newest addition to our Community team. In theme with today, here’s an actual image of Dave with a on-screen replica version of Darth Vader. I didn’t feel like cropping whoever that random guy in the picture, so I poorly photoshopped a Jim next to him… Why Jim?
Because Dave is also a documentarian for our team! Like his mask, mysterious Dave will be lurking in the forums for a while he adjusts. But you’ll see him around. First one to identify his username will get a present from me! In the mean time, feel free to ping @jim to also get to Dave. Mwahhaha!
With Dave’s own words:
"I have been a full stack software developer for more than 10 years, with experience mostly with web applications. I am very excited to be coming back to SmartThings and working with Jim to enhance and automate the current documentation.
Outside of work I like to spend time camping with my family, engage in physical activities ranging from golf, tennis, softball and frolicking in general. I am a warm weather enthusiast, but do appreciate the occasional pick up game of hockey.
Interesting things about me:
I play instruments, none of them well (guitar, drums, piano)
I build Lego, who doesn’t?
I own a more authentic than usual Darth Vader costume."
Please welcome Dave back to SmartThings, and into the Community!
May the 4th be with you!