[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

So I’ve essentially copied some of these pistons and tweaked them to fit my needs. I’m noticing the Location Mode Manager which uses Case is not working anymore. It seems to be forever stuck on my Night mode. Have you had to tweak this at any point or had similar issues?

Did you figure out how to do this? I’m using RBoy’s device hander for locks and there is an invaidcode option but I don’t know how to use it or what to check for.

@ady624 I need this (energy use log). Is this (or updated code for this) somewhere that I can either copy or get from github? Please advise

Domnule Dobrescu,
I am sorry, I am a newbie in ST, although an IT guy (not a programmer though)
I am using ST with pistons that I created myself in Core in the ST app. I was not using WebCore in the past. It seemed to me Core was easy and enough for me.
Now I see there is a fashion, everybody is going WebCore. I am wondering why?
I have a few questions:

  1. Is it recommended to use WebCore over Core, because Core going to disappear in the future?
  2. Aren’t Core pistons faster than WebCore Pistons, because they run locally, versus in the web?
  3. Is there a way to view the code of my core Pistons, so that I can copy them, and eventually recreate them in WebCore
    Thanks a lot / multumesc
    Titus T. (from Montreal, Canada)

WebCoRE is recommended because it is has more features, more powerful and easier to use than CoRE. Plus CoRE is no longer being developed and will only receive updates to fix bugs.

No, CoRE does not run locally. Neither of them run locally.

Unfortunately, there is no migration tool since both apps are completely different. And no way to copy/paste. You would need to manually recreate each piston in webcore.

your best source of info is to check out the webcore forum

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Thanks a lot