[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

I think I finally got it:

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yay! so, does it work? :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know tomorrow when I can test it outside of the trigger time. Thanks for your help.

ok. you are welcome.

For some reason I cannot open webcore or any of my pistons from my smartthings app on my tablet… The blue box just spins and nothing opens. It’s been like this for 3 days now.
Any help Thanks!

WebCoRE is okay for me but what you describe is happening to me on Simple Device Viewer. I have a feeling we need to contact ST Support.

I’m at a total loss with this one.
I have a tile set up to display whether my heating is on or off and at what set point the heating has been set to.
The problem I’m having is that it always shows the previous set point temperature not the current set point temperature.
Here is what it is showing in the dashboard:-
Which is the previous setting it was set to.
Here is the formatting of the tile and as you can see it evalutes to 14 which is correct, and yet it shows 22.5.
I’m at a loss as to why this is.
Any ideas folks…
EDIT: Here is the global variable which is showing 14.

@Jenibean1130 @eric182 @Michael_Disieno @Monte_Wagner

Come check out the WebCoRE forums.


I borrowed parts of a piston for my vacation light timer but it seems to be triggering at the wrong time.

It seems like my lights came on at random minutes after 10:00pm, waited somewhere around 3 hours like planned then turned off. I’m thinking I need to replace Time is between sunset and 10:00pm with Happens daily at sunset.

on a hard refresh of the page, does it show the right value?

All sorted now. See the webCoRE Forum.
Should have posted it there to start with.

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Two quick questions I’ve been struggling with, thanks for any help!!

The below piston is intended for when I come home late at night and my family is already home, so Smartthings is in my Night mode. I’d like the house to switch to home mode (so none of the alarms are triggered by my entry) and have the lights turn on. Then after 15 minutes, put it back in night mode and turn the lights off (a routine turns them all off in the piston). My issue has been the wait 15 minutes doesn’t seem to work.

Looking through examples it seems like the wait only effects the block of code it is in. I thought it’d delay the following if block of code. I couldn’t find a way to add an if inside the action block. So is that not how it works? My theory to try next is to have an and block that has two sections. One that turns the lights on, waits, and then turns them off. The other changes the mode, waits, and changes it back. So I’d have two wait lines running concurrently. Is that the solution?

The second question is what is the difference between the normal pistons and the “async” pistons?

Fixed it. Use a variable

Also, please visit and post your issues on the new webcore community forums:

Thanks! Variable was the key (although this is untested, I’ll have to wait for a late arrival or go drive away and back). Slight mod from your edit, the point of the second “if time is between…” is to see if 15 minutes after arrival the time is still between the original period. The issue is if I the late arrival was just before the end of the period (which is when the hub is scheduled to switch to home mode always), then 15 minutes after arrival could end up putting the house into night mode when I don’t want it too.
Happens when I go on an early morning run. The way you edited it I wouldn’t need that second If at all, because it is all under the top level if. Thanks for the help though, i should have been more clear in my question!

Thanks for sharing the forum, I’d use it more but the network I browse on most of the time blocks the website. I can only access webcore and the forum on occasion when I can get to a more open network.

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Jmz is the second user that’s mentiond this,

@aflores3 any chance you can post your piston that switches on/off virtual presence please. I tried one but it’s not working as expected.

I am hoping I might be able to get some help. I have a contact sensor on the bathroom door, as well as a motion sensor and an actual switch(contact sensor). I want to have the bathroom lights turn on when any of the 3 are closed/active. If just the motion is used to turn the lights on, then I want a 5 minute timer to start to turn the lights off. But when the door is closed or the switch is closed, I want the timer to be paused/cancelled and the lights to remain on. After the door is opened, I would like the timer to resume but if someone goes back into the bathroom I would like the lights to remain on until there is no motion/activity. I also like the idea of the switch completely canceling all and not turning the lights off until the switch is off. I am in the process of switching from core to web core. Previously, everything worked great but the light would turn off if say someone walked into the bathroom, but didn’t close the door until a few minutes after entering.

Hi, Im trying to setup a few thermostat pistons, but for some reason I cant choose in thermostat mode either dry or fan only mode? Is this because those capabilities is not added? Or am I doing something wrong?
If I push the dry mode and fan only mode buttons on the device in things, it works great. Thanks

@Fredrik @lhartman89
@Ron_Sissons @theoak
Please visit community.webcore.co
Register and post there in the NEW dedicated webcore forums

Hello All,
I am in need of a bit of assistance.

I am trying to pause a wecore piston via Ifttt webhooks.

I am using the Url from the actual piston in the iftt URL box , except of execute i am using the pause.(see format below)

In ifttt i have used the PUT or Get method and content type as application/jason and am receiving error in the ST Log.(see below)

Can some one please explain what i am missing/or set up incorrectly here?
Much thanks

(URL FORMAT—private info removed)
https://graph-na02-useast1.api.smartthings.com/api/token/[Token]/smartapps/installations/[smartapp intalation
ID]/pause/:[piston id]:

(Error i am getting in the ST logs.)

physicalgraph.app.exception.SmartAppException: Not Found