[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

Is it possible (even by way of some workaround using third parties apps) to relay the contents of an SMS to webCoRE?
I connected an SMS unit to my backup generator which returns a response about the state of the generator if queried with an incoming SMS. E.g., sending the command P.****.co.qb to the SMS unit will cause the unit to send an SMS back with the voltage of the starter battery (as an indication of the condition of the battery.)
Currently, I use Tasker to send an SMS to the unit every three days to get a report back on the battery’s condition.
I would like to set up a piston to do this and maybe publish the result of the return SMS as the piston state (or something like that). The issue is to get the result of the return/response message containing the data, to webCoRE.
Has anyone perhaps done something similar with webCoRE and SMS messages? Could SharpTools perhaps be the solution? And if so, any examples of how to do it would be appreciated. (Before ST, I did most of my “automation” with Tasker, but it was pretty much a “monkey-see-monkey-do” kind of experience, as doing that in Tasker is far above my pay grade. I had to look for examples all the time whenever I wanted to use Tasker to automate stuff)