[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

This piston saved about three hundred dollars worth of food.

Got a note that fridge reached 50 degrees…then 51 then 52. Then it took a massive permanent petrified dump. Luckily we were home when this all went down. It was a Saturday evening. (We knew the fridge was on its last leg for awhile. )

We loaded all the food in coolers and went fridge shopping.

Thanks @ady624. Not only was my bacon and worchestershire sauce saved, but my wife actually said “well, one of your stupid sensors saved our food.”

Its an iris contact sensor stuck to the inside of the fridge with 3m tape.

Now that we have a new fridge, the need for a sensor inside the fridge has decreased. Thinking about moving it to the attic to see how hot it gets. Just because I can.