[DEPRECATED THREAD: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] WebCoRE - Example Pistons

Trying this again wrote a simple piston to turn light on & off when gone.
Will it work?

Thanks Mike

It should work.
As an aside, look at the post above yours. There is a bright shiny new exclusive for webCoRE only forum.
Would be better to post all queries etc. there.

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Hello everybody!
After few struggle I managed to set the Github for EU Yeah
 than I hit a rock, I am struggling to duplicate the pistons I found in this forum let alone creating from the scratch. then I thought for the people that know programming would you consider make a short videos on how to program on WebCoRE, with small example etc

I see smartthings have few videos.
One thing is to see a pistons another is to find out what attribute and where to find them as well as combination etc

Please need help

There is a webCoRE forum now that has lots of information and is dedicated to webCoRE.
Here is an introductory video.

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I just starred using this and its amazing.
I didn’t really like setting up pistons on my phone with the old core. Its so much easier now!!
thank you!


Come setup a login on the webCoRE community.
Send me a PM here on ST to verify it is your new profile there, and a link to your SA or DTH(s) that you’ve created and I can get you verified into the community developers private group

This is my piston for using a 4-button keypad in order to controll a dimmable lightbulb. Buttons 1 and 2 are for on/off, keeping button 3 down dims the bulb gradually and keeping button 4 down brightens it.


Come post your example here:
We would love to have it be part of the repository!

Nice work btw!

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Thanks for the kind words!


How do you get the piston to get the “every 12 hours
” just after “execute” and then the "do?. I am new to webCoRE but I have setup pistons with CoRE. Just can’t seem to figure out how to get some of these options up.

use the timer block

And you should check out the forums at https://community.webcore.co

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What device is being used for the dryer here? Something that monitors acceleration? Is it a multisensor?

simply question om sure
 how do you edit to add to the comment section?

Right but it doesnt edit the existing comment?

Hi. I’m trying to do something with SHM being set to armed/away but cant figure out how to write it. Maybe you can help.
I have SHM set to Armed/Away,
I have Touch Pad Lock which is locked
I have SHMDelay set to 30 seconds on exit and entry
I would like to have the piston allow me to leave and then when I come back in have it alert me on my sonos speaker that the Alarm is Armed. Disarm Alarm.
The problem is that as soon as I open the lock to leave it makes the announcement. How can I unlock the door without the warning?
Thanks in advance

visit and signup on community.webcore.co and post our question there.
webcore discussions by and large have a new home as they needed room to grow.