[DEPRECATED THREAD] webCoRE Beta Milestone 1

Also, check the main webcore app and verify which capability your minimote is assigned to. Mine is listed in two sections… holdable button and button devices.

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Interesting discussion here… it looks like Discourse borrowed it also from multiple sources :slight_smile:

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I have mine selected under Buttons.

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Where do you think I got that link from, if not sniffing around Discourse’s pants? :smiley:


Trying to get this IF to react on a device defines as a variable
Any clue on how to?

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Hmmm… what the dickens is going on here? Am I missing something, because why are my openedAt and openedTime variables the same? When the door stays opened for more than 5 minutes, then openedAt is assigned $now, then when it’s closed, openedTime = $now-openedAt. They should be different… no?

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Same here. Any answer yet?

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yes, that was it. I went there also last night and enabled everything I could find with button in the name. It worked then this morning.

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That won’t work. Define the variable as a device and then put the variable’s switch in the condition

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Nobody knows what that does :wink: it may provide real time updates in the webCoRE dashboard… but still work in progress


Dumb Motion Sensor Switch-
Turn off the light with your finger and the motion does not work again for a couple of minutes…Easy

I am trying to figure out how to do this in webCoRE with a dimmer. At different times of the day the lights go off quicker or longer than others. However, if we manually switch off the lights, with webCoRE, the light will come right back on. How do I get around this?

WAF-is diminishing at a rapid pace.:pensive:

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Yeah thought I had done that before.
But since the “switch” was not available when i picked the variable i started looking around.
But… if i chose a physical switch along with the device variable dimmer i was able to select switch.
Then I could deselct the physical switch and the variables switch was sticky.
Looks like i had to do it like this to get WebCoRE to present the values.

EDIT looking around now, looks like if i chose the varable containing the the device as a physical it works.
Just did not remember me thinks, and since it is at the botom of the list, I did not see it.

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@rrkraft @destructure00 Thanks for addressing this seemingly insignificant problem. I, too, could not figure out why my minimote didn’t give me button differentiation in webCoRE (but did in CoRE).

I thought I had read earlier that it didn’t matter in what section of the SmartApp any given device was activated, but adding it to the button category made the difference.


Is there a bug with decimal math in the current version? It seems like any decimal that is below 1 and above 0 gets evaluated as “0.0”. For example:

Results in this:

Notice the the variable value1 is assigned the value of “0.9” which gets interpreted as “0.0”.

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Will look into it later tonight

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thx… If I make the “0.9” assignment inside of an expression instead of as a value it works correctly…

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@ady624 reported this issue earlier, but bumping it again. Something similar as @kjdayley

The temp is inside the range, but evaluated as false. Looks like it does not take the decimal in to account

15.5.2017, 11:24:44 +65ms
+2ms ╔Received event Multisensor Bod].temperature = 21.2 with a delay of 65ms
+140ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 20ms > PS > 90ms > PE > 29ms > CE
+149ms ║Runtime (29247 bytes) successfully initialized in 90ms (v0.1.0a6.20170512) (146ms)
+151ms ║╔Execution stage started
+176ms ║║Comparison 21.2 is_inside_of_range 19.0 … 21.0 = false (8ms)
+179ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated false (19ms)
+181ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated false (changed) (21ms)
+205ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (54ms)
+222ms ╚Event processed successfully (221ms)

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Is anyone having problems restoring pistons from backup? I have one piston that I can’t seem to restore. I says it is getting piston from backup but it ends up empty. The piston itself is running fine. I tried this on Chrome and Safari (both on Mac). Any ideas?

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Somebody else reported this a coiple of days ago.
Not sure which thread though or what the outcome was.

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https://api.myjson.com was the primary backup, I moved away from it, but earlier snapshots were still stored there. Made a change last night that should have fixed it. Try again please. Also, seems the certificate was renewed