Washer/Dryer Notification Project Questions

Alright, it looks like I’m about to be snowed/iced in tonight, so might as well use that time to do something fun for the weekend! :tada:

I have a washer and dryer from (literally) the 70s. I had to youtube how to use it. They’re older than me.
Because of that, there’s no chimes, no cool things, nothing. It’s in the basement.

How can I have ST send me texts/notifications for when it’s finished? I picked up ST branded (because I wanted to get it super right) multi-sensor and a plug because those are what the preliminary research said. Dad said my dryer is a 220v, so the plug won’t work on that, but will work on the washer. So that means the sensor would go on the dryer.

Would that setup work?

I know I’d have to play a little bit to figure out what the power draw notification would be. I made up a test automation when using it to charge something else, so I know how to make that automation in theory. Do dryers just vibrate/shake the entire dry cycle? Or do I need to just be aware “go get the laundry after the second text”? That one I haven’t played with, since I’d need to return it if it wasn’t going to work for me.

Misc Question:

  • I managed to snag a ST round Zigbee plug as well as an Amazon warehouse deal. How do Zigbee repeaters work? Should it be between the hub and the other Zigbee items? Or should it be like past the Zigbee items? :zap: :honeybee: (zigzag bee, get it? (I need to go home.))

I’m in the US, with the v3 hub, using the New app.

Thanks in advance guys, for letting me run this whole thing by you! :blue_heart:

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