Wanting to monitor house power with solar

Anyone else have issues in the last month or so where the device stop started reporting all negative or all positive values and no longer flip depending on generation vs consumption? I had a tile that flipped colors (green for over production pushing to grid, red for underproduction pulling from grid, based on <0 or >0) and now it’s just positive or negative 100% of the time depending on the orientation of the MTU’s (or the bit in the smart app).

I’ve power-cycled the device several times, rebooted the hub, reloaded the device code.

Stops responding, yes twice in the past month or so. Value flip, no.

I have to cycle the power to fix it. Seems like the device just gives up after a period of time.

Interesting, the issue went away on it’s own, but I still have the issue where at least weekly one of the two stops reporting and I have to go reset it.

It’s frequent enough that I actually toyed with attaching it to a zwave plug and writing a smart app to power cycle it when it stops reporting… i’ll never do that but got a good laugh out of the thought. Wish I could figure out why it does that.

Just wondering if anyone figured this out. Im installing a sunny boy grid tied inverter which has its own "connection for an extra $250 which isn’t wifi. The wiring set up is the inverter back feeds the panel thru a double pole breaker. The inverter has their own cloud service called sunny portal which I cant find any API info on.

I am wondering if I could just use two energy meters… one that show all watts coming (back feeding will show 0) on the mains then a 2nd one on the wires going to the back feed breaker. Also does anyone have a DH that would show a graph of todays usage?

I have a sunny boy inverter with sunpower monitor for production and consumption. The data is very delayed, at least 10-15 minutes. I use https://www.amazon.com/Efergy-EE-HH-T2-Engage-hub-kit/dp/B0128Z0K1I/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549312767&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=efergy+engage&dpPl=1&dpID=410UBhyRefL&ref=plSrch and (Updated) Efergy 2.0 (Connect) for real time production data to trigger additional loads.

You may also want to take a look at curb or aetoec CTs.

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Ive purchased one of these. Are you putting the clamps on your mains or your inverter?

I installed Sense recently and have a set of Aeotec CT’s up for grabs. Message me if interested.

The CTs are on my inverter so I have real time production numbers. If you put them on your mains, I don’t think you will get an accurate reading especially when selling back to the grid. I don’t think they tell directionality so it will appear you are still using energy when you are not.

I wouldn’t waste your money on sunpower monitor, though, especially if you want real time data, and especially for consumption.

I’ve had the Aeotec CT’s on my mains for over a year. I only use them with ST and have no logging other than what all Is on the DH… kWh, high power and cost.

Well, I have had efergy hooked up for a few days. Doesn’t seem that mine is working correctly. Only thing I get is the real time usage circle (which works) none of the graphs, tariff, history usage or energy demand work. Their email support take about 2-3 days to respond. They said there is a glitch in my graphs and they would refer it to someone else. Their software wont let me delete/ modify the CT sensor and I originally set it up as generating power even though I don’t have an inverter yet.

If their software was better I would buy a few of these and shove a bunch of L1 lines in one head and a bunch of L2 in the other and you cant use 2 or more transmitters to make “whole house” then have your generating power on one. You also cant separate CT1 as garage and CT2 as kitchen or even use a phase 3 and read 3. That would take 2 or 3 transmitters. So I think the hardware will do it but not their programing.

Also are you using Efergy Connect 2.0 or 3.0 with ST. I got most of it to work with 2.0 but nothing with 3.0?

I told you I was looking at CURB (now Sense, too)…

From efergy dashboard, I only get real time use and usage history which works just as good a Sunpower monitor for monitoring solar production. I think if you got a second set for the mains (I.e. solar expansion kit) it would the engage dashboard would work a lot better, but I cannot confirm from personal experience. I don’t think any of the other graphs were meant to work without having home energy monitoring data. I can’t remember what the problem was, but I did experience issues when the device handler was being developed because mine was set up as solar monitor, too.

I’m not sure how well developed the device handler is with both home energy and solar monitor, if you do go the route of getting another set of CTs.

Also, if your internet goes out or you reset your modem you’ll have to cycle the power on the Efergy hub to regain communication. I plugged mine into a smart switch to make it easy.

Regardless, it’s still better than Sunpower monitor, in my opinion. Right now my data is delayed by 40 minutes.

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I ended up getting Sense with the solar CT’s, install was 10-15 mins tops. It has IFTTT and integrates with Alexa/ Google. So my Alexa is kind of a hub for Sense/ST It also has some sort of device network ID. Sounds like that works like smart sniff or wireshark. Its found 4 things in my house already (day 1). I’m assuming that linking my Alexa to Sense it would use the devices created by ST for Alexa would be used by Sense for device identifications but I just linked it about a few hours ago.