Virtual switches, dimmers, groups, etc

Thanks guys. I have the ST wifi hubs V3 I believe. I’m in the US and the house is actually a rental property near Joshua Tree so my goal is to have it be as straightforward and easy for people to “get” without any (or very little) instruction. I have a Samsung Galaxy which is running Fully in Kiosk mode and SharpTools - so basically guests can just click lighting groups to turn on and off the many lights in the house without having to find all the switches… it’s worked good until now.

Yep so lighting groups in the SmartThings app is basically useless if trying to integrate into a system which uses SharpTools as the front end. I did figure out a work around for what I was trying to accomplish, which I’ll explain below incase anyone else had a similar issue and is wondering how to do it.

I couldn’t figure out a way to create a virtual switch in the app itself - there is a schema virtual device under the add device menu, however you need a Samsung email address to log in an enable it, or at least I couldn’t figure out how to do it. So instead I used the API browser from @TAustin (amazing tool - thank you!!) to create virtual switches / dimmers for all the rooms I needed. These would immediate show up in the app, however to see them in routines I needed to restart the app after creating them.

Then I grouped all the lights I wanted to associate with that switch in Smart Lighting, then mirrored their behavior to the virtual switch. After that was working, I would go into SharpTools and refresh the connection with ST, which would then get the virtual switch to show up and I could add it as a tile.

A long and arduous process, when it would be so easy to just be able to group them and have that group function as a virtual switch (as it did with Trend Setter).

Hopefully this helps someone.

Thanks for the replies it was really helpful in figuring this out!