Use Simulated Sensors as Child Devices

Hi all,

Ive created a few Device Handlers recently which use Child Devices and sometimes it frustrates me that I have to create a DH for something as simple as a simulated contact sensor (it doesnt take time to develop but it is annoying for all users to install).

I have noticed that @erocm1231 has had his “Switch Child Device”" published into the wider community (it is available in the list of potential device types for all users) and you can create a Child Device with this type from code, if you use erocm1231 as the namespace. However what about the Simulated Contact/Presence… sensors? I cant find the namespace that I need to use for these child devices.

Has anybody worked it out or got any other ideas? I know erocm1231 has created a list of child simulated devices, but sadly people will still need to install these, so it doesnt currently solve a problem…

Thanks! :slight_smile: