Hello, Back again.
Firstly, I dont know the extent of how much help I can ask and get from this forum. Are there any rules or restriction? So if I’m really asking a lot then my apologies.
I have the following code, which upon certain condition will call disarm(). This function receives state.token from a login(). Everything executes well untill at the end of execution I get the following message. I tried my friend google, but could not get an explanatory answer. Also bellow is the console out put which basically tells me everything was executed accordingly. Any help ?
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren.isArray() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: isEmpty(), every()
def disarm() {
log.debug "During disarming. ${state.token}"
if(state.token) {
def paramsDisarm = [
uri: "URL",
body: [SessionID: state.token, LocationID: 395502, DeviceID: 509622, UserCode: '-1']
httpPost(paramsDisarm) { responseDisarm ->
log.debug "Code is ${responseDisarm.data.ResultCode}"
log.debug "Message: ${responseDisarm.data.ResultData}"
sendPush("Home is now Disarmed")
log.debug "Is this getting executed"
log.debug "Smart Things is not logged in. Need to login"
def logout() {
log.debug "During logout - ${state.token}"
def paramsLogout = [
uri: “URL”,
body: [SessionID: state.token]
httpPost(paramsLogout) { responseLogout ->
log.debug “Smart Things has successfully logged out”
Console output
8:58:41 PM: error groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChildren.isArray() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: isEmpty(), every()
8:58:41 PM: debug Smart Things has successfully logged out
8:58:40 PM: debug During logout - 65103122-1915-49C2-A021-015871AD7C93
8:58:40 PM: debug Is this getting executed
8:58:40 PM: debug Message: Session Initiated. Poll for command state update
8:58:40 PM: debug Code is 4500
8:58:36 PM: debug During disarming. 65103122-1915-49C2-A021-015871AD7C93
8:58:36 PM: debug Smart Things has logged In. SessionID: '65103122-1915-49C2-A021-015871AD7C93’
8:58:32 PM: debug Smart Things is not logged in. Need to login
8:58:32 PM: debug During disarming. null
8:58:32 PM: debug Mode is set to Home, Performing Disarm
8:58:23 PM: trace TotalConnect was provided…creating subscription
8:58:23 PM: trace Home was provided…creating subscription
8:58:23 PM: trace TotalConnect is attempting to unsubscribe from all events