TP-Link Smart Wi-Fi Light Switch

Hi Dave, thanks for writing the code I got my 2 HS100 working but my HS200 keeps getting comms Error. I have try remove the device and add again, republish the device handler, but nothing works. It is working fine under the Kasa app. Please advice thanks

I assume you are talking about the cloud version.

The most likely cause is that your HS200 has remote control turned off in the Kasa App. If that is off, then it is not available for cloud control. Open the Kasa App
a. Select your HS200
b. Upper left hand corner - select the bars
c. First item is remote control - select so the tab is green.


thanks for your quick reply Dave. The remote control was on but I had to reset the switch and uninstall from Kasa and smartThings then reinstall everything. Now everything seems to work fine.

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Hi @Gutheinz

I have installed TP Link necesary device handlers and all working fine. however i have to remove the tp link physical lights due to some works and when i replaced them back
 Tp link lights working weirdly(if i switch off the light in smarthings app, it wont update the status straight away
 i need to refresh it). and i cannot see any options related to ENUM. I tried to delete the smartapp from IDE and it dosen’t allow me to do it. Can you help me how to get them back to normal?

Same here. Looking at the code, it appears that the firmware on the bulbs has been updated (more equivalent with the plugs). Causes an error in the return parsing.

Will start fixing today and notify when fixed with instructions.

FIXED. You will need to reload any bulb device handlers. It was a very minor change from TP-Link - but broke the parsing.


Hey Dave,
First of all, I want to say a big Thank you for doing this for everyone!

Second, I’m getting an error when trying to do the initial install in the SmartThings app:

error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘id’ on null object @line 223 (getToken)

What can I do to get this resolved?


Not seen before; however, two ideas:

a. Must be the Classic App. Still awaiting SmartThings for transition of custom SmartApps / Device Handlers.

b. If on Classic App, insure you went to “My Location” and selected your hub BEFORE installing the Device Handler and the Smart Apps. Not doing this will cause the SmartApp to hot have a hubid - which is the “id” referenced above.


The non-classic Smart-Things app doesn’t seem to have the “SmartApps” option in the Automations to add the handler, etc. Which is why I thought the classic app is what needs to be used.

Also, my location is already set correctly in the classic app.

On the classic app, everything is fine until the step where I have to enter the email and password. It says:

Your current token:

Then when I enter all the details and select initial install and hit next, the following screen doesn’t show anything and the error I mentioned earlier is what I get in the log.

Is there another SmartThings app I need to download? Or does the Samsung one (the non-classic one) have another option that I’m unaware of.

Also, I don’t have any smart hubs or anything like that. Should I be setting that up somehow? It wasn’t included in the installation notes that I saw.

Thanks again!

No. Again, it is not the phone app. It may be where you installed the Smart App in the SmartThings Groovy IDE. Before installing the App (or Device Handler), you must first select “My Locations” and the select your Hub. (you have to do this every time you log on). The install the Smart App / Device Handlers.

Aside from that, I would be at a loss.


I actually created another location (Office) in the online platform to ensure that I’m working on the correct “hub”. When I select my Home location (which is where everything will be installed) I can see the TP-Link Cloud Connect in My SmartApps and the Handler both published (as opposed to seeing nothing when no location or when Office is selected).

But after these are installed and published on the online API platform, shouldn’t I be using the SmartThings Classic app the add the devices? Or am I missing a step?

Note that I do not have a physical hub. Is this something I need?

Lastly, if I can’t use the SmartThings Classic app to add the TP-Link devices, what can I do?

EDI: To clarify, I’m trying to use the cloud-based method, not the hub-based one.

You must have a physical hub for the classic app to work. The error you are getting is where the program is looking for the physical hub. I do not know of a way around this.


Many thanks, i will test and update.