TP-Link/Kasa Bulbs and Plugs Control (Old, Unofficial Integration)

I am preparing to update the system to the next version, cleaning up some displays and assuring all is working OK.


Dave - I followed the complete instructions for install of the TP-Link App and used the phone to log into my cloud account with TP-Link.

I selected the device in the phone app, but can’t seem to get it to show in My Home > Things

Any ideas? It could be something to do with Locations as the instructions are not clear on that selection if you are logged into SmartThings graph webpage.

Sorry you are having problems. Log onto the IDE and then select your location. Look at the device handler page and see if the device handlers are there. Do the same on the Smart Aps page for the Service Manager.

You stated “I selected the device in the phone app, but can’t seem to get it to show in My Home > Things”. What app are you talking about selecting the device in?

I think the instructions are clear - see extract below.

d. Select the ‘My Location’ Tab and select your location.

Your location is probably the only item in the list. The selection is done under the Name column by selecting the location name.

Get back to me if you are still having problems. We will have to do more troubleshooting.

Yep - you are correct Home is the only option and the one I selected when installing the code and for both the Device and the Smart App.


The thing is that when you select Home and it just takes you to a page displaying these details:

How can I correct this now that everything is installed on both the iPhone app and the IDE?

Unless you blanked out some data, I think this is a basic SmartThings problem (in your installation). I believe (and in my account) that the following should be included (specific to your location:

Account’s Account
Coordinates 32.135136 N, 95.89188 W
Time Zone America/Chicago
Sunrise 7:14 AM
Sunset 5:20 PM
Temperature Scale F
Alarm System Status Disarmed
Current Mode Home

FROM your screen above, select Devices (toward the bottom). It should list the devices associated and it should include the TP Link.

Also from the screen above, select “List Smart Aps”. It should take you to a screen with smart apps (including the TP-Link smart app.

If not, you have something wrong in the SmartThings installation (I think).

It was blurred on purpose.

TP-Link is not listed in the Devices. It does show in List Smart Dvices:

Great. Now, at the top go to “My Device Handlers”. It will show the Device Handlers page. You should see one of the following device handlers:

beta : TP-LinkHS-Series 	Published 	Actuator, Polling, Refresh, Sensor, Switch 		
beta : TP-LinkLB100-110 	Published 	Actuator, Refresh, Sensor, Switch, Switch Level 		
beta : TP-LinkLB120 	Published 	Actuator, Color Temperature, Refresh, Sensor, Switch, Switch Level 		
beta : TP-LinkLB130 	Published 	Actuator, Color Control, Color Temperature, Refresh, Sensor, Switch, Switch Level

I just have TP-LinkHS-Series - should I have all of them? I am not using the lightblubs

No. Just the TP-LinkHS-Series

Great that is exactly what I have:

Next, let us redo the installation (I have pictures if you need for any step).

  1. In Automation - Routines, open the TP-Link SM
  2. Assuming you have already done this once, the page should have
    The current token in an area after “Your current token”:
  3. Under “What do you want to do?”, it should say “Add Device”. If not, select the area and select “Add Devices”
  4. Select Next (upper right)

Select Your TP-Link Devices page

  1. At the top, you may see a message "No new devices to add. Are you sure they are in Remote Control Mode? IF YOU SEE THIS, go to the Kasa App and make sure your device is in remote control mode.
  2. The token should be present after “TP-Link Token is”
  3. At the Bottom, you will see “Selected Devices (XXX found)” If XXX is 0, see 1. above.
  4. After selected devices displays more than 0, the area below will either say “Tap to set” or have a device name. TAP IN THAT AREA it will bring up

Selected Devices page:

  1. Assure you select all the devices you want to add in the check box.
  2. Select Done.

Select Your TP-Link Devices page

  1. Your device name should appear under Select Devices (XXX found)".
  2. Select Save.

The Automation page with a green success banner should appear and the device should be there.

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Pics would be great

One at a time.
Main TP-Link SM Page. The messy area at top is where the token is on this pages.

Select Your TP-LInk Devices Page. Here, one device has been discovered.

Select Devices page.

Select Your TP-Link Device page (again), showing device that will be installed.



Yep - did all of that and still nothing showing up.

When I go to the log in the IDE and try to add and or update the token - the requests show, but no device even is listed in the app.

I just noticed this:


You may not have the device in remote control (done in the Kasa ap).

Ya, I check that already - in remote mode: