This is awesome! Power is Out based on state of v1 Motion Sensor

hey I know this is ancient, but which sensor are you referring to (include link?)? I can take a look at it. I’ll eventually need to replace my old sensor, and I’m not familiar with anything else. I keep my hub on a UPS, so the native power out sensing won’t work for me.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you’ll see a pic of the original motion sensor that could be powered by both USB or battery.

Hah! Yep, thanks I got that. I’m the guy who wrote the app this thread is about;-) I meant specifically what zwave sensor @Steverino was asking about. I don’t know that you can even buy the device the app was written for anymore, so if there are other good options out there I’d like to update it.

Oops, my bad, didn’t catch that :slight_smile:

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