Temperature adjustment on Aeotec thermostat

Hello everyone!

I have 4 Aeotec Thermostat units attached to my hub. These thermostats stopped giving me the option to adjust the temperature after the latest update to the SmartThings hub controller. Does anyone else have the same problem with this type of thermostats? What is the best way to bring this to the attention of Samsung developers?

Thank you for your responses!

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The best way to get official attention to is probably to contact Aeotec support (not SmartThings support). They will be the most familiar with what it should look like and they will also care the most about getting it fixed.

You can reach them by email by going to their support page and looking for the “Need more help/contact us” option.

Done that. Waiting for their reply/ solution.

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So, new edge drivers were sent by Aeotec. After reinstalling the devices all looks good now.

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