Sunrise / Sunset times wrong

Are you using SmartWeather (i.e. do you have a SmartWeather Tile amongst your “things”)?

If so, do you also have the SmartWeather Controller smartapp installed? This is responsible for periodically updating the SmartWeather Tile. Without it the sunrise and sunset times will not update as the seasons change (and the weather info will also remain static and therefore incorrect). If not, install and configure the SmartWeather Controller smartapp.

If both of the above are in place but you still have incorrect sunrise/sunset time, edit the SmartWeather Tile and check the Zip Code setting it is using.

If the Zip Code is wrong, correct it. If the Zip Code is correct but you still get bad data, it’s time to choose a new weather station… (this is what I did, as I’m in Australia; SmartThings doesn’t currently understand our Post Codes).

SmartWeather pulls its information from the Weather Underground. You can go to their website, do a location search and find all their weather measurement locations in your area. Once you’ve picked one which is most applicable to you, determine what its ID is. The easiest way to find the ID is:

  1. Click on the station on the map.
  2. Click the “Full Forecast” button in the panel which appears to the
    right of the map.
  3. When the full page weather forecast opens, look at the URL in your
    browser - it will be something like where
    here, “IVICMELB6” is the ID for the weather station I chose.

Once you have the ID for the weather station you’d like to use, change the Zip Code in the Smart Weather Tile to be “pws.StationID” (but without the quotes). So, for the example above, I would set the Zip Code to pws.IVICMELB6.

Now, SmartWeather Tile will pull weather information, which includes sunrise and sunset time, from the Weather Underground, but specifically for that particular weather station.