ST Outage?

Pffffft…you kids and your fancy technology.

And before that, I was the remote control.


I remember those! We had one! It was the real “clicker” If I recall, there wasn’t a battery in those, right? It was a very mechanical push to activate. The best was the console TV it controlled actually had an electric motor to change channels…I remember the VERY LOUD BA-BANG…BA-BANG…BA-BANG as it went thru the dial…We had the old Zenith & Magnavox consoles

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Yep. The buttons activated strikers that struck metal cylinders…like tuning forks…each of which produced sound ar a different frequency that activated a different function on the TV. And, yeah, that motorized dial made a clunk sound at every channel that could be heard across the house.


Oh man. Not to date anyone, but I showed the pic of the zenith remote to my dad over dinner and he remembers when HE was a kid and HIS dad brought one home brand new.

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And the remote aerial antenna adjuster. Wind blew, antenna moved “ever so little” , fuzzy picture. Me on roof adjusting antenna while dad yelling from in the house. :smile:

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Yea my Automations didn’t work and my lights were all off, but Netflix still worked so I was all good.

Did you ever use car keys to change the channel?

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LOL! I’d completely forgotten about that trick! But yes, as I recall now, I used to do that…much to my mother’s great annoyance. :wink:

Hmmm, I don’t remember that one…

A thing of beauty. The ‘Space Commander Six Hundred’. Anyone notice the RGB logo on the remote looks like the eye of the martian in 1953 ‘War of the World’s’? The remote was designed in 1956.

It’s just a coincidence that we found our remote in a crater in a New Jersey farmer’s field.