[ST Edge] •• Tasmota Edge •• for Sonoff, Tuya & many other ESP WiFi & HTTP devices - over 2000 Tasmota supported devices

Yes, I can still control via the Tasmota Web UI.

For some devices, even when they do come back online in SmartThings, the On/Off button appears to work but no on or off action happens at the device.

For one of those Tasmota devices, I’ve set up another SmartThings device in parallel with @TAustin’s MQTT edge driver. The SmartThings MQTT driver based device is controlling the Tasmota device perfectly while the SmartThings Tasmota edge driver based device is offline, then online, and won’t switch the Tasmota device.

Tasmota Edge Update!

  • Increased child Contact/Motion sensor to 20 @ragoss @KennyG
  • Added support for CO2 & Dew point sensors @v.porsio (Other measurements such as TVOC, Gas, ADC require custom capabilities, will look into them soon)
  • Improve online/offline detection and connection @MagicMike @BartschLabs (Please let me know whether it works for you)

Update will automatically be pushed and installed to your hub. Version: 2023.1.1


How did you configure MQTT on the tasmota device. I am somewhat confused on the prefix and how to use it?

1 Like

I’ll answer over on the MQTT topic.

thanks for the update!
contact sensors after 8 don’t seem to respond.
ie. setup GPIO21 as switch 9, tasmota console shows the status change from 0 to 1, but nothing happens in ST App.

Can I have the output of this from tasmota console;

Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3

I don’t understand what do you want to trigger?
Contact/Motion sensor is available under Alexa Routines; “When this happens” - you can select open/close…

Do you have Tasmota version v11.0.0 or later?

23:56:32.186 CMD: Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3
23:56:32.215 RSL: RESULT = {“Rule1”:{“State”:“OFF”,“Once”:“OFF”,“StopOnError”:“OFF”,“Length”:0,“Free”:511,“Rules”:“”}}
23:56:32.437 RUL: Rule2 ON Switch1#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch1”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch2#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch2”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch3#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch3”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch4#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch4”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch5#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch5”:“%value%”}} ENDON
23:56:32.440 RUL: Rule2 +ON Switch6#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch6”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch7#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch7”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch8#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch8”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch9#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch9”:“%value%”}} ENDON ON Switch10#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“SNS”:{“Switch10”:“%value%”}}
23:56:32.442 RUL: Rule2 +ENDON ON Wifi#Connected DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {“Mac”:“%MACADDR%”,“cb”:“Status 0”} ENDON
23:56:32.446 RSL: RESULT = {“Rule2”:{“State”:“ON”,“Once”:“OFF”,“StopOnError”:“OFF”,“Length”:1112,“Free”:291,“Rules”:“ON Switch1#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch1":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch2#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch2":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch3#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch3":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch4#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch4":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch5#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch5":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch6#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch6":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch7#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch7":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch8#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch8":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch9#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch9":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Switch10#state DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","SNS":{"Switch10":"%value%"}} ENDON ON Wifi#Connected DO WebQuery %mem3% POST %mem2% {"Mac":"%MACADDR%","cb":"Status 0"} ENDON”}}
23:56:32.688 RSL: RESULT = {“Rule3”:{“State”:“OFF”,“Once”:“OFF”,“StopOnError”:“OFF”,“Length”:0,“Free”:511,“Rules”:“”}}

Here is a pic of the configuration

@hongtat It’s been a while since I hadn’t checked the Web interface. I just did, and the access link to the individual devices’ configuration page doesn’t work for me anymore. Did anything change?

I can only access the main page, with the list of devices, but they don’t have a way to access their config.

I thought that request was never implemented. Never worked for me. That is, the IP addresses next to the device names were never hot links.

The individual device’s configuration is only for devices that require long input text and configuration.
e.g. HTTP Switch/Button - it requires many HTTP request inputs such as Header, Method, URL, Post body etc,. or RF devices, where it requires long RF codes to send.

Most of the Tasmota devices require only IP address and number of child devices, these are configuration under the device settings in the SmartThings App.

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Early days; this seems to work well for me. I’d be interested in purchasing but a bit concerned about the purchasing method. No terms, privacy notice or company registration?

I stand corrected. Very true @hongtat, thanks much for reconfirming. So many things in mind, I missed the point. Thanks again!

The payment method is handled by PayPal. I don’t have access to your personal info. I’d just require the Hub ID to send you the key.

Is it possible to show BLE devices in Smartthings app using this edge driver? I have a Xiaomi thermometer LYWSD03MMC. It connects fine to Tasmotas official driver (named Tasmota32 Bluetooth). I see temperature and humidity in the Tasmota graphical user interface. I’ve created a Tasmota switch in the Smartthings app and set the profile to TH plug without any result. Is this possible with this edge driver?

Hub: v3
Latest Tasmota firmware
Static IP at Tasmota device (ESP32)

@hongtat let me know if you need anything else to troubleshoot.
thank you

dry mode will be inserted or not in tasmota edge
or does it not work properly?

@gst , @LazyPawn , @hongtat ,

Will the Tasmota Edge driver work with the siren (wired to) my Konnected board?


I have no plans for OpenBeken yet.

I have pushed out a new version 2023.1.2. Let me know whether the contact sensors work for you.

Can I have the output of http://<IP address>/cm?cmnd=status 0 ?