[ST Edge] Personal Tuya Devices - Generic EF00 Device

This device uses standard zigbee clusters and attributes to report on-off, power, energy, voltage, current and temperature.

The problem is how to integrate the custom operating settings, which it has to make the breaker trip, temperature_threshold, power_threshold, over_current_threshold, over_voltage_threshold, under_voltage_threshold.

I think it uses the custom Tuya cluster E001 and different commands for different parameters, which I don’t know how to implement.

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oh… so there is no solution to implement these additional features. Or can I contribute in some way for their development? I am available to do all the tests, if you think it useful.

You are right Cluster 0xE001 , attribute 0xE7 (setOptions3) and attribute 0xE6 (setOptions2) .
I also don’t have information regarding these attributes.

Hi @w35l3y ,

I bought a tuya Girier motion sensor from aliexpres, could you add it to your driver?


I was able to find the addresses on github and from there I was able to test the individual datapoints


Manufactur: TZE200_f1pvdgoh

  • Motion Datapoint 1, motion value is “0”, no motion value is “1”
  • Illuminance Datapoint 101
  • Battery Datapoint 4

The motion detection works the other way around than normal, so I have to reverse the operation in the settings. When I set datapoint 1 as a value, I can see it change from “0” to “1”, where motion detected is “0” and no motion value “1”

Hello and thank for the work on this driver,
I bought a Zigbee garage door opener with sensor.
It’s works with SmartThings accordingly and I would like to know if this is possible to synchronize the status of the garage door with the status of the sensor?
Indeed, when I open or close the door with SmartThings, everything is fine but when I use the dedicated remote or if I push on the button located on the motor, the status of the device (but not the sensor that is always correct) in SmartThings is incorrect.

Many thanks in advance!

Hey, I’ve just bought new Moes TRV. None of the datapoint is working. Any experience with this TRV?

No experience, but these are the DP involve (there are many):

            tuyaDatapoints: [
                        standby: tuya.enum(0),
                        antifrost: tuya.enum(1),
                        eco: tuya.enum(2),
                        comfort: tuya.enum(3),
                        auto: tuya.enum(4),
                        on: tuya.enum(5),
                [4, 'current_heating_setpoint', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [5, 'local_temperature', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [6, 'battery', tuya.valueConverter.raw],
                        LOCK: true,
                        UNLOCK: false,
                [9, 'max_temperature', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [10, 'min_temperature', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                        ON: true,
                        OFF: false,
                        CLOSE: tuya.enum(0),
                        OPEN: tuya.enum(1),
                [47, 'local_temperature_calibration', tuya.valueConverter.localTempCalibration1],
                [102, 'schedule_monday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(1)],
                [103, 'schedule_tuesday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(2)],
                [104, 'schedule_wednesday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(3)],
                [105, 'schedule_thursday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(4)],
                [106, 'schedule_friday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(5)],
                [107, 'schedule_saturday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(6)],
                [108, 'schedule_sunday', tuya.valueConverter.thermostatScheduleDayMultiDP_TRV602Z_WithDayNumber(7)],
                        strong: tuya.enum(0),
                        middle: tuya.enum(1),
                        weak: tuya.enum(2),
                        high: tuya.enum(0),
                        medium: tuya.enum(1),
                        low: tuya.enum(2),
                        up: tuya.enum(0),
                        right: tuya.enum(1),
                        down: tuya.enum(2),
                        left: tuya.enum(3),
                [114, 'position', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [119, 'comfort_temperature', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [120, 'eco_temperature', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                        comfort: tuya.enum(0),
                        eco: tuya.enum(1),

I hope this can help you…

Hey, thank you very much. I found some working combination. But I can’t still use this termostat. There is done other problem. The rate for set temperature is wrong. It’s 180°C instead of 18°C.

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hi @w35l3y
Hope everything ok with you.

I need your help with a new product.
Do you have any solution for this product?

I just found this on AliExpress:
US $19.64 | Tuya Smart Zigbee light and rain sensor 2-in-1 function, built-in lithium battery , Light and rainwater detection Smart life App

The link of the product above.

Manufacturer: _TZ3210_tgvtvdoc
Model: TS0207
FingerPrinted_EndPoint.Id: 0x01
App Version: 0x43
ZCL Version: 0x03
Network ID: 0x00C4
Zigbee EUI: A4C138EBF6D5AC1D
Device ID: e0cecfa9-9564-46f8-8fac-9f417d3024df

Server Cluster:
Ep: 0x01={ 0000,0004,0005,0001,0500,EF00 }

Client Clusters:
Ep: 0x01={ 0003,0004,0006,1000,000A,0019 }

Signal Metrics:
LQI: 146 … RSSI: -47 dbm

Thanks for your support :pray::pray:

@w35l3y here more information about DP:

101: “light_intensity”,
102: “average_light_intensity_20mins”,
103: “todays_max_light_intensity”,
104: “cleaning_reminder”,
105: “rain_sensor_voltage”,

i hope this is helpful

Answering in the name of @Liran1115
Thanks for the DP’s. I already know that. Please advice which profile to choose ? In addition, the rain sensor is reporting via standard cluster 0x0500 not 0xEF00.
Not sure if this driver is the right choice …

I use generic one,

  • set 101 and 102 in Illuminance sensor
  • set 105 in Voltage sensor
    in this way you obtain 3 child sensor whit the information

What about the Rain sensor? @Mariano_Colmenarejo added to his driver (Zigbee moisture MC) using cluster 0x0500 and it works well. Any chance to combine what you mentioned together with Mariano driver ?
Please note that @Liran1115 is mainly interested in the Rain sensor if other sensors considered as “Nice to have”

Mariano’s driver for @Liran1115 is perfect, rain sensor (1/0) and battery status

for my use @w35l3y driver is better, the problem is the correlation from Volt to mm of rain

i need more time to try different mode of work, if you or someone have other suggestion i’m here!

I have had an issue with the hub for months: hub was continuously freezing and going in SoftLimit. Finally, Smartthings was able to find the cause:

Have you got any idea of how could I solve this issue with this driver?

Thank you so much

It is known that some devices are very talkative in terms of reporting its states.
I highly recommend avoid using them with ST hub.
Tuya hub seems to handle better at the moment.
I think ST hub could handle it too, but most tuya devices use a custom cluster (0xEF00) that is not very well documented publicly.

Do you have developer skills ?
If so, unpair all devices from this driver and keep only the one you want to debug.
Then keep logs open (smartthings-cli) filtered by this driver while you tracks the device functionalities.

I tried my best to make this cluster to be usable in ST.
I have neither the hub nor the device to make these tests by myself.

If this driver really is causing this problem when paired with this device, then don’t use it with this driver.

The best way if it possible to combine both drivers or use two different driver for the same device.
@Mariano_Colmenarejo - for Rain Detection and battery
@w35l3y - For Light metrics and other parameters with ability to calibration.

If you an idea how to implement that, please let me know.