Hi Everyone
I am looking for some help please
I have a NODEMCU8266 connected to Smartthings using Dan’s amazing libraries : - ST_Anything_Multiples_ESP8266WiFi . I have only the hold-able button configured which i was going to change LOW/HIGH/LOW when a successful fingerprint is read:
#define PIN_BUTTON_1 D6
Just the core ST_Anything code works perfect with Smartthings and D6.
Then i merge in the source code from separate 8266 project into the code , that is 100% functional. A fingerprint reader connected to the HW 8266 TX & RX , and a mini OLED SSD1306 display I2C on pins D1 & D2 which display text when a successful finger print is read.
When i merge the code in ST_Anything the D6 stops responding to state changes to Smartthings, but is still on-line with Smartthings reporting RSSI etc.
If i comment out one line in the main Loop where it gets the finger print it all works again the contact state change on D6 is detected and reported to Smartthings. There are only two lines in the Loop()
getFingerprintIDez(); // non blocking
The fingerprint is a non blocking call to a function which calls the standard Adafruit_Fingerprint_Sensor_Library .
I have also commented out all the Serial debugs in case there were conflicts
Also set the st::Everything::debug = false; to avoid conflicts with the HW Serial.
Any ideas please would be fantastic , maybe there is a conflict somewhere, or maybe i should be using another ST_Anything library , or I am missing something fundamental (very probable) thanks.