Solutions for Curtains Causing Motion Triggers?

The short answer is probably not without changing your current sensor placement: motion is motion. In fact, just the temperature differential from the HVAC may be enough to set it off, that’s a pretty common issue in bedrooms With window air conditioners.

The medium answer is that “pet immune” motion sensors can typically be set to ignore curtain movement, although they may still be triggered by gusts of hot air. These are based on the temperature differential being big enough to represent a 50 pound object. They’re not perfect, but they can help a lot.

The long answer is there are two ways to address it, but both often require adding additional devices.

First is to significantly limit the range that each motion sensor detects. For example, I have a motion sensor on the side of the nightstand pointing at the bed. I can wave a hand over it as I get out of bed but nothing else in the room will trigger it. Whether this kind of approach will work for you or not depends on exactly where you’re trying to catch motion and how many devices you want to use.

Second is to use zone detection, where movement is required to register on multiple sensors before it counts. This can significantly reduce false alarms from a single area of motion, such as curtains in front of a window wall. But placement can be tricky and it requires having multiple sensors instead of just one.

@Mike_Maxwell has a zone detection smart app for this purpose:

Smart Zone motion detector (Zone Motion Manager) [Deprecated -- no longer supported] - #29 by Walter

So there are ways to approach it, but it depends on the exact use case and your budget for devices.

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