Smokedetector that can be linked? (2025)

Does anyone know a smokedetector that works with SmartThings and that can be linked, so when one gives an alarm the others also start giving a alarm.

Hi @MarcVS , if you are Europe based, this one for example:

You have to link them via an automation within the Smartthings Routines section, so that they all use their sirene in case of an/any event.

That’s also what I thought, but at the dutch reseller they say that is only possible with a Homey. Coul they be wrong?

I have two of those devices in my smarthome, directly connected with Smarthings via the dedicated and official frient Edge driver.

To be fair, I never tested their smoke detection capabilities yet, but I just made an automation doing exactly what you asked for and I wrote above.

That’s exactly what I wanted! Thank you for your help…

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What country are you in? The device selection does vary. :thinking:

Also, do you have a SmartThings/Aeotec hub, and if so, which model?

I have a Aeotec Smartthings Hub V3

Interested in this for US. I have a v3 as my primary hub, but looking to minimze z-wave and elimiate over time so I can ween myself off the v3 eventually and transfer everything to my Station that I only use to turn off my bedside lamp :wink: So Zigbee/Matter would be preferred protocol if they exist for the US.

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Just to be sure: I suppose you had to make this Logic 2 times, once for the Smokedetector Shlaf and once for the Treppe?

The SmartThings Home Monitor takes care of it automatically if configured correctly.

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Really? Please explain, bitte!


Edit: wait a minute… I guess I’m wrong. This is only for the intruder alarm. Do what @stillerson suggests: IF any smoke detector triggered THEN turn on all sirens. I actually have a routine like that, that also turns on all lights.

Also the “Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range DC Signal Sensor ZEN55 | for Use with Analog Smoke & CO Detectors Only | Z-Wave Hub Required (Sold Separately)” will add zwave integration to an existing hardwired system. Only notifies of smoke and/or CO2, doesn’t identify which detector alarmed, but it works and it’s inexpensive compared to retrofitting.


Thanks a lot for your prompt answer.

I believed you meant that you could trigger all/any of the other sensors if a single one triggered. I suppose that was what the OP was looking for as well. As I do. I do think that e. g. the Frient detectors could be serially connected without the intervention of the hub/Home monitor in order to start a siren or e.g. a loudspeaker or even trigger other detectors?

But I could be in error of course.

I’m pretty sure that is not possible. On their site they only talk about the Homey hub for doing this…

This is the solution I use & am very pleased with it. All wired interconnected Kidde smoke alarms in the house–seven, in total–do exactly what you describe, @MarcVS.


I did that a while ago. I have just 1 zwave device left, and it’s highly unlikely a zigbee version will ever come out. It’s a water meter from Fortrezz, who were bought out by Ezlo.

So back to the original topic, but kinda related. There used to be a company that produced zigbee based smoke/co detectors that were A/C powered, were interconnected, had an led ring built in that was controllable, and had a battery backup. They were called Halo and Halo+, and were sold by Lowes, and worked with SmartThings. I have 11 of them active in my ST environment right now working great. Unfortunately the company doesn’t exist anymore, and who knows whatever happened to their product designs that could potentially be made by another company. Sad story quite honestly because nobody else had a device like that, and nothing like it has ever returned.

Anyway, sorry for not adding any value to this discussion!


Here’s a zigbee device that does the same as the Zooz device:

Fyi @peeps


Frient smoke detectors set up in Home Monitor.

The Frient alarms, when using Frients own driver, allow thier sirens to be triggered not only through routines but also through home monitor in the ‘Cog’ - Smoke - Set Response - Sound Sirens menu with no routine(s) required.

I have not tried this but the menu allows you to select multiple sirens and I see no reason why they would not all trigger:

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