SmartThings Labs "Take Pics" app

I’ve got a Foscam linked up to my ST setup using various stolen bits of code (thanks to the authors!). I’ve installed the “Take Pics” app found in the “Labs” section, and it appears to be sending commands and saving JPGs, at least according to the logs. My simple question is this: Where are these pics saved?

I understand it might not actually be working, since I assume it’s written to work with DropCam. But I’m just curious.

they should show up above the controls if you click the tile for the camera in the things menu

I have the app working with my Foscam 8907 and 8910. As the previous poster said, they appear above the controls in a carousel (You can swipe to see older pictures). I haven’t figured out the logic of how many it displays… I have seen as few as three pictures available and as many as 8…

Thanks for the replies, everyone. Didn’t realize i could swipe that photo. Sure enough, it appears to be saving them there. Sweet!

My foscam is installed, but it isn’t taking pics. What device type are you using? Am I using the wrong one? Thanks, I would like to get this working for sure.