Smartthings Issues 9/10/18

down in AZ

Can’t login to app or graph site.

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Down in NC Cant log in through the App or via IDE either via cellular or local Wi-FI connection.

Google Assistant integration down for me and can’t load app or login to IDE.

Down in TX too.

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Same issue here in MN

Down in MN

Down here in IL

Also Alexa and ActionTiles not working in Las Vegas

Another Okie system down, in Moore.

Ditto. No android app, no Alexa. Northern California.

No GH in MA.

Back up and running for me! A quick response.

Back online

Back online, but when I signed back into the app it defaulted to a newer location that was created when my account was converted to a Samsung account. Ugh.

Edit: luckily it’s easy to select the other location in the app. I thought I was going to have to do something more invasive to fix it. :slight_smile: