SmartThings Hub Version 2.0

We’ve been bad about one thing for sure: publicly stating dates regardless of engineering realities. We aren’g going to release anything unless it is ready. That has been stated over and over on these forums (mostly by me). We are going to be more like Apple in this regard. You’ll be able to buy it/order it when we announce it.


I personally feel like the only problem has been that tentative dates were released too early. This is why many companies don’t share dates. Because until they get closer they are educated guesses. And things come up. And when they’re not hit people take it as breaking their trust no matter how much you make it clear that it’s a goal/estimate.


@Ben you can’t blame us for hoping that a v2 announcement of some sort might happen. I mean this is the SmartThings Hub Version 2.0 thread after all, it’s where we should get hyped up for the V2.

Many people are just excited (I am!) and that’s great. But others seem legitimately mad. And some are mad that they aren’t sharing random guesses on their new date. And others are mad that they didn’t hit earlier estimates. They can’t win.


Speaking of hub delivery dates, this is a slight tangent, but I think it is an appropriate analogy to strongly consider:

Here is a Kickstarter Project ending funding in < 48 hours for a multi-protocol Smart Home hub (with ZigBee, Z-Wave, WiFi, BLE/Bluetooth Smart, NFC, RF (low frequency), IR…).

Its specifications include dozens of other cutting-edge features (well, at least cutting-edge for them to be packaged in one new Product).

The insanity?: Estimated Delivery Date…

November 2015 (i.e., < 4 months after funding).

Ummm… Good luck with that. No, actually, I don’t wish them good-luck, they don’t deserve it. They are being completely irresponsible to publish such an unrealistic “Rewards” delivery timeframe. They aren’t being “optimistic”; rather, they are purposefully misleading their funders into believing that they will receive a state-of-the-art smart home system before Christmas, because, of course, Santa Claus is real, and smart home is apparently on the wish list or gift list of over 511 funders. Idiots. All of them. Idiots.

I’m willing to bet that the Project doesn’t delivery until November 2016. Any takers?


It was also stated (by you), that it would be a matter of weeks on June 30th. I would be a new customer and skipped out on the summer sale because it was implied that Hub 2 would be out “in a matter of weeks.” It’s ok for posters to be snarky and say a matter of weeks could be ten years, but it is kind of silly to state these things.

What @Richard_D_Hermosillo said are very close to my current sentiments.

I wish SmartThings were more like Apple. :slight_smile: Apple would not even acknowledge that a product is being developed until they’re either ready to ship or want to engage developers early on. Even if they pre-announce something (like the Apple Watch last November) they do tell when the product is expected to ship and generally stick to the target. They said the watch would be available in Q2 and did deliver on their promise.


They forgot to mention that you could also order an optional set of wheels and turn it into a skateboard for your cat or a small dog. :smiley:


I don’t see the B.One launching anytime before 2017. Got Burnt by SOAP on Crowdfunding, never again… will wait for a local control hub with ZWAVE & ZIGBEE Radios till it reaches market…

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I just really wish I had known back in Feb. that the v2.0 HUB would be so delayed. I keep going forward with the “v2.0 is around the corner, why would I spent the time working with v1.0?!”… then delays happen and I think, “i’ve waited this long, if I buy v1.0 now, the v2.0 will be release in a week…” so I continue to wait, and wait, and check this thread daily. Now we’re looking at September. Had I known in February that the v2.0 release wouldn’t have been until September, then I absolutely would have purchased a v1.0 to use for the majority of 2015.

…No hurt feelings…but as a new and excited to-be SmartThings customer, I do feel quite strung along and still have no clear light at the end of the tunnel…

7 Likes has got to be a scam of some sort. It’s not even possible to get hardware and software working and ready to go in 4 months. I appreciate aiming high, but they are going to disappoint!

As for SmartThings Hub v. 2, even though it’s been 4 months since their initial launch prediction, I think we will all see this delay will be insignificant in the greater scheme of things.

If we want to be a part of something that actually will make a difference in the home automation field, we need to be patient and positive. Instead of complaining about the time it’s going to take, why don’t the same people spend time in the forums drafting up and getting opinions about the devices they are going to add to the hub and the smartapps that will control them.

The hub is such a small piece of the puzzle. I spend more time fiddling and hoping that the right smartapp will solve my problems. The current hub does its job, it’s getting the rest of the pieces to act in unison that is 95% of the battle.


The B.One is an interesting idea, but I also doubt they will be ready to go on time. Though they only have 544 backers at this time, and have a pledge limit of 100 grand, it sounds like they have better odds of succeeding than teams who get overwhelmed when they get 10x to 100x more donors and money than they originally planned.

They are also offering two Version of B.One. The light version @$79 as less memory storage and does not have all the radios the main version @$179 will have.

There’s an engineering reason nothing like B. one exists now. My bet is the B. one never gets approval in the U.S. or Europe as currently designed. They acknowledge the potential issue:

B.One has to meet FCC and CE certification standards. If there authorities insist us to change any of the circuit block, This means we need to revise the electronics to pass the tests, which could cause delays and we have built this into our plan.

They say they have a patent pending on the NFC tap-to-pair, but it looks identical to Oomi’s method and Oomi is much further along in the certification process, so I’m not sure the patent will get approved.

We’ll see what happens.

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For me, I’ve sunk nearly a grand into sensors, speakers, lights for the specific purpose of integrating them into a system like SmartThings,

My sonos works fine, lights fine, sensor are stacked in a closet in their boxes. The point was to have them in time for Hub 2 release. I’ve been looking at these forums since April and all signs were pointing to a late July/ early August release. Yes, the hub will eventually come out, but I’m not dropping money on a hub one when the employees of ST are consistently dangling hub 2 before us.

I understand that they want to perfect the technology and work out the bugs. Fine. But then don’t put implied dates of release on your own forum and then follow them up with a mystery count down that in all honesty really did make people think the hub could be released (with the leaks of the photo in the app and all).

Alas, after being on these boards for a while I do know this is a great community and that the ST people are doing their best and are truly helpful, I, like others (mostly customers waiting to jump on) are pretty disappointed by the false leads. That being said Sonos is way more annoying by essentially refusing to even address their customers beyond “yeah… no, it doesn’t do that, thats not the point of the product.”

That being said, I am disappointed because this product looks really good and I just can’t wait… but I must.

So I’ll be here, waiting for my email from ST haha.



My observation is that “employees of ST” are doing very little “dangling” of Hub V2… At least compared to the hundreds of posts by folks here speculating and demanding and complaining and joking…

In other words, “SmartThings employees” have told us multiple times to not expect Hub V2 on any particular date, and to not defer buying Hub V1 in the indefinite meantime.

I’ve got my own rather strong feelings regarding the use of the Facebook countdown suspense game for the GitHub release. SmartThings certainly had to realize that it would inevitably fuel Hub V2 release date speculation, anticipation, and disappointment, but took that risk for the purpose of increasing their social media following on Facebook… An increase of only 2 or 3 hundred visits and “Likes”. SMH.

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“A matter of weeks” is dangling sir.

I agree. I didn’t say “no dangling”, just “very little dangling”.

That quote was said once by @Ben and requoted by @April, and, well, is generally unappealing enough wording that I definitely wouldn’t snap at it if I were a puppy and saw it dangled before my nose. :pig_nose: :dog: :unamused:

@Ben also clearly wrote in the original reference:

I would say that’s an excellent, transparent, forthright disclaimer and clearly advice that folks are advised to not hold their breath for Hub V2 as it is not a seamless transition, nor a panacea.

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I’d be a fully new customer, so moving over wouldn’t be an issue in my case.

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Does this also imply that neither Blutooth LE nor USB ports will work when the hub V2 is released?

Then you (and other potential new customers) should feel very much reassured; if you consider that SmartThings is prioritizing stability instead of rushing to market in an attempt to lock in market share with a premature release or promise of a specific release date.

That’s why I posted the Kickstarter example. Crowdfunding ventures lean towards unrealistic “Estimated Delivery Dates” because they feel they must appeal to the impatient. The comments on the B.One campaign make me sad… There are folks who are hanging their HA plans on that product with great optimism, who will become a lot less optimistic people in a few months, and downright angry as hell in a year.

At least that’s the “sunny” way to think of it. :sun_with_face:

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