SmartThings Hub Version 2.0

We were rooting for you April… The Hub V2 release will be a day to celebrate, and what better way to honor “April”! :sunny:

Oh well… July is a pretty celebratory month. :fireworks:

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But the question is, does @April have a Hub v2? Maybe things were lost in translation from CES? She was there.

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Yes … I’ve held April’s Hub V2 (or something resembling V2) in my own two hands. Very respectfully.

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America! :slight_smile: Yea! haha…


Canada Day, July 1st! :maple_leaf:


Australia Day, January 26th! :koala:

Oh, wait…that means…

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Any word on if the new Smartthings sensors will be released earlier than the new Hub2??

Will current sensors be backwards compatible with the V2.0 hub? Ir will I have to upgrade everything?

Yes, they are certainly backwards compatible.


I can hardly wait for the new hub anymore! I keep thinking to just buy the current hub. Hopefully it comes out soon :slight_smile:

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Probably not the best thread for it, but same topic…
Has there been an update on 2.0?

Not since the post April linked to above.

were they as specific as “2015” or is the release date some arbitrary month at some point in the future :wink:

Ahhhhh…you are right! When they said Q3…they meant 2016! :wink:

I’m assuming nothing new?

Honestly, I don’t have more hopes on ST. I’m just waiting for a real competitor to come out.
Their problem with giving any kind of realistic estimate is too disappointing.
One year ago @ben said they were weeks, if not days, of releasing official Nest support.
Hub 2? I doubt it will arrive before Q2 2016.

SIGH. I am new, have all my stuff in box and finally get to setup my home this weekend, but I agree. I went with Wink but returned it because this was far superior, but much of all selection was based upside and I have major doubt about ST (and many others to be fair). The silence is deafening. :frowning:

I have a hub v2 working in my house. So do all SmartThings employees. It’s not going to be 2016.


Unless TPTB decide to rebuild the whole thing with either HomeKit and/or Artik inside. There’s no telling until it’s actually released. :wink:

It’s Q3 already. When should we receive the announce that the Hub 2 release is going to be postponed to Q4?

@tvinhas , here you are.
