Bonjour, j’ai mon xiaomi redmi note 9 pro qui ne fonctionnait plus,
alors j’ai acheté un nouveau xiaomi redmi note 9 pro,
mais voilà, une fois sur la fiche de l’application SmartThings dans le playstore,
ca marque que cette application ne fonctionnera pas sur mon téléphone, alors que ca fonctionnait sur le téléphone que j’avais avant, et qui était aussi un redmi note 9 pro
je ne comprend pas
merci i,nfiniment pour votre aide
(Translated to English)
Hello, I have my xiaomi redmi note 9 pro that was not working anymore, so I bought a new xiaomi redmi note 9 pro,
but here it is, once on the SmartThings application page in the playstore,
it says that this app will not work on my phone, while it worked on the phone I had before, which was also a redmi note 9 pro
I don’t understand
Thank you very much for your help
What version of Android is your device running? As of Dec 10, 2024, Android 10 or lower is no longer supported.
ok i know now i need android 11
but how i can do instal Android 11
i will see on xiaomi website
and if someone find somethink thank to share