SmartThings Current Stability?

Hmm… That’s also my impression but in that’s an… impression. I bought my hub kit on July 2016 and the honey moon lasted up to December 2016, after what I consider being the hub update that changed everything: sensors autonomy loss, disconnection of Z-wave/ZigBee sensors-reset cycles, etc…

I am thinking that the size of the network seems to influence a lot the performance.
So in order to be more factual, I started logging the number of time I have to reset my sensors/replace batteries for instance.

The overall view I have:

  1. Battery powered devices are more aimed to fail over time
  2. Battery life decrease over time (whatever you buy Panasonic or not)
  3. Multipurpose sensors are jittering Open/Close when the battery gets weak causing fake alarms. Other erratic behavior like reporting temperature but no longer reporting open/close or movement (g-sensor) are seen when battery gets weak.
  4. Battery reporting doesn’t work anymore: 100% then stop working. When resetting an irresponsive sensor, the battery is found dead while this same battery was 100% or above 70% hours before.
  5. Z-wave used to be very reliable before this summer. Now my Iris opener had to be reset recently. Never had to do that in 1 year. Aeotec siren lost several times.
  6. Arrival sensors are not working anymore since last year X-mas hub update whatever new generation or old. (I still have some to sell back btw)

On the bright side of my setup:

  1. Z-wave AC powered from GE (wall mounted switch) never failed since purchase 1 year ago
  2. Zigbee bulb from OSRAM works perfectly since purchase 1 year ago
  3. Home made devices based on HTTP on local network never get any disconnection or trouble (running on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NAS).

I didn’t keep track of the numerous chats with ST support, but I guess I am in their top20 in California. I know every single guy there now. :wink:

And for the record, I once tried to compute how many bugs they have per day by scraping the bug IDs sometimes shared in the forum (MOB-xxx) and not only the number was quite high, but it was not really going down over time. And that’s only for their mobile app (I guess from the MOB- prefix) so we don’t even see what is the hub side.

Anyway… I don’t know how Iris or other Ecobee are better or worse…