SmartThings Cam Annoying Behavior - Says Offline for video feed but other activity still online

These cameras typically don’t give me too many problems, but they will go offline every so often and then come back online within an hour or two. I have one camera though that decided to stay offline for a day, so I started to power cycle it when I noticed the green LED come on when I went past it.

Sure enough, the camera’s sensors and other attributes seem to be working and communicating to the hub, even though it’s state was Offline and I could not get a live video feed:


For those here in the Community with these cameras, have you noticed similar behavior?

I dread the thought of calling support because I know their canned answers will have me do everything from deleting the device to rebooting the hub, and that’s BS. It’s almost as if these things need a firmware update or something. @nayelyz do you know if an Edge driver exists for these?

I regret buying them about a year ago when they were on sale for pretty cheap. I don’t even use them because they have so many laggy/connectivity problems.

Who wants mine?

I put a smart socket so i can restart it remotely (it is working). Now i’m searching to do it automatically.

I did that just now too. :wink: