Smarthings iOS App displays unsupported clusters for Air quality Sensor

Hello Community,

I am currently developing a matter thread air quality sensor that supports air quality and carbon dioxide concentration cluster. When i commission the sensor to the smarthings hub, the app displays the values of the above two cluster successfully however it also displays the PM2.5 concentration and TVOC cluster. Do you know why in the app the PM2.5 and TVOC cluster are displayed?

Thank you.

Because SmartThings has to match the device features to a existing device profile but there’s none only with air quality and CO2 and assigned one with air quality, CO2, TVOC and PM25.

The problem is SmartThings profiles are static and have to be manually created so they didn’t create all the combinations possible. The Matter driver right now, as long as it sees the device supports CO2 or PM25 or TVOC will apply a profile that includes all those capabilities even if some are not supported. This is the code to blame:

If you plan to get the device certified for SmartThings it will be less of a problem since they can create a profile that matches your device so it won’t display the unsupported features.

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Thank you @mocelet

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