Smart Things Hub STH-ETH-200 Can't Factory Reset?

My boss gave me his old Smart Things Hub STH-ETH-200, and I am unable to factory reset it. I’ve held the button for over a minute and the lights never do anything. When I try to to connect it to the smart things app using the welcome code, it gives me network errors. Please help!

What steps did you take to reset it (pressing reset while power is connected I assume from your post)? did the boss happen to tell you the last time he/she used it? It they had not used it mid 2018 or earlier, then there would be an issue. if you can find out that info, we can provide more details… especially if the reset fails.

here is the procedure for a full reset of a V2:

  • unplug the power cord but leave ethernet plugged in
  • Remove the batteries if using.
  • Insert a pin in the reset slot on the back of the hub
  • While continuing to press the pin in the reset slot, insert the power cord
  • When you see the solid yellow on the led on the front of the hub… remove the pin from the reset slot
  • Wait about 10 minutes until it contacts ST servers and downloads any needed firmware.
  • Add hub to ST app within 30 minutes to avoid the timeout or else you need to repeat

I wasn’t leaving the ethernet plugged in. It’s working now thank you!

For anybody who has a SmartThings V2 hub but, does not have the Welcome code; I was in this situation and SmartThings support supplied the Welcome code once I shared the serial number within a day or two.