Smart Home Monitor - Touch-Screen Controller

The key there is 30 years. My house was last renovated somewhere between 40+50 years ago. Until I started rewiring it over the past 5 years, most of the electrical was the original knob and tube with cloth covered wires that was put in almost 100 years ago.

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@JDRoberts Those are great…i guess i should look through them all…wasn’t sure they were all that detailed. I wasn’t trying to insult anyone…but put it in a form where it was structured…nevermind…looks like the project section is fine…i was just throwing out ideas…

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Ideas are good, and the amount of detail varies wildly, it just depends what the original author wanted to put in.

If you want to contribute to the community, you could always start an index topic in the projects category and index some of the more detailed projects. You know, author, link to the topic, General description of the use case.

It’s not surprising you didn’t know some of that stuff was in there, it can be really hard to find. :sunglasses: