Slack channel for community discussions

Can I get an invite as well? Thanks!

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I also would like an invite.
maybe allow self-sign?

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Invited everyone ^^


Thank you sir.

Dear sirs,
I kindly request admission to your slack club. I do hope the initiation isn’t terribly embarrassing.
Thank you.
Warmest regards.


Could I also get an invite? Thanks!

Could I get in on this, too?

Invites sent, welcome all :slight_smile:

@vlad would appreciate an invite as well! :pray:

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I guess I’ll jump on the bandwagon. Please send an invite to me as well. Thanks.

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better late than never. Me too!

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while i’m here, por favor

I’d love to get in there as well!

@vlad Can I get an invite please?

@jasonrwise77 Done

Me too! Me too! (Please)

Me too please!

I would also like an invite please!

@acdown87 and @Digitac are invited

one more pls