Simulated device question

Question! Can anyone make simulated devices if so can some on maybe make a simulated smoke and carbon monoxide detector and a simulated alarm system please and thank you. Please feel free to post on this thread if you can do that.

Simulated Smoke is already available in the Public SmartThings GitHub. (It can easily be modified to provide simulated CO, but search the Repo and it might exist in there too!

What do you mean by “a simulated alarm system”? Which exact Capability are you trying to simulate?

Maybe something like a Disarmed, Armed Stay, And Armed Away kinda thing

Also how would I modify the simulated smoke to a simulated co detector

You kinda have to figure that out for yourself; it’s not hard once you learn some SmartThings development basics.

There’s plenty of documentation and example code.

We’re not unpaid tutors here: I’m available for a consulting fee; just Private Message me.

Did you search the SmartThings Community GitHub?

If there isn’t one in there, then code probably doesn’t exist and you’ll have to write it yourself or commission a consultant to write it for you.