I feel like I have done this before so I cannot figure out why I am having an issue. I am trying to program simulated buttons (minimote) to hit either API endpoints or IFTTT. Under “Then”, I cannot seem to find anything virtual… only sensors, lights, etc. What am I missing?
March 20, 2017, 3:16pm
Have you tried “Make a web request”?
Perhaps have you forgotten to first create the device within the IDE?
Virtual / Simulated Device Types are functional “Things” but are not physical devices you have. Installing them allows you to control them via SmartApp’s just as you would a physical smart device.
Creating Virtual Devices - On/Off Switches
There are many reasons you’d have the need for a virtual switch.
You want one switch to control multiple other switches and/or commands.
You have a multi relay device and want to control the relays individually. (currently ST doesn’t support this)
You could use virtual switches the same way you’d use Hello Home Actions, to take care of multiple actions or state changes with the change of your virtual switch state.
To create a Virtual Switch
Login to the IDE @ https://graph.api.smartthings.com/
Click “My Devices”
Click the “New Device” Button
Are you suggesting I create a virtual device for the API endpoint and have the simulated minimote trigger that?