Secure Together SRT321/SSR303 or Horstmann ASR-ZW/HRT4-ZW (Updated DTH in post 61)

Ah OK. The problem is that they appear to have broken the casting of HubMultiAction command list to a SendHubCommand.

I have managed to re-write the code to extract each cmd and send it with one SendHubCommand and it has finally worked… but seriously poor testing by SmartThings devs :frowning:

// Battery powered devices can be configured to periodically wake up and
// check in. They send this command and stay awake long enough to receive
// commands, or until they get a WakeUpNoMoreInformation command that
// instructs them that there are no more commands to receive and they can
// stop listening.
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpNotification cmd)
def map = [name:“thermostatWakeUp”, value: “${device.displayName} woke up”, isStateChange: true]
def event = createEvent(map)
def cmds = updateIfNeeded()

	cmds << zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format()
    log.debug "Wakeup $cmds"

    { zwaveCmd ->
            def hubCmd = []
            hubCmd << response(zwaveCmd)

            log.debug "HubCmds $hubCmd"

            sendHubCommand(hubCmd, 1000)

            log.debug "Sent hubcommand"
    // [event, response(delayBetween(cmds, 1000))]


So if people edit the WakeUpNotifcationEvent code as above, then it should be a valid workaround