Scheduled jobs failing (again) (again šŸ˜„) (Ongoing Known Issue)

I think the point being made in the reply to the above was that SmartThings has very recently implemented a platform change which allows devices, including the ecobee, which use a cloud to cloud communication To third-party services to go to asynchronous contact, meaning the time spent waiting for the ecobee cloud to answer is not counted against the smartappā€™s execution time. This change was completely independent of the change that @vlad has been discussing with regard to the database errors. But it has a similar end result, in that there will be fewer time outs. :sunglasses:

@yvesracine was verifying that he has changed his ecobee smartapps ( which are quite popular in the community) to use the new asynchronous method.

SmartThings is a very versatile system, but that also means it can fail in many different ways. A fix to one doesnā€™t always fix another.

Since ecobee was mentioned specifically, I think it reasonable to bring up that people can see improvements in timeouts for that device if they have switched to any device type handler that now use the asynchronous method. :sunglasses: