Samsung outlet (2016) repair Hub v3 issues - not finding?

I have 2 unused (NIB) Centralite 4257050-RZHAC that paired fine with v2 hub but they wont pair with v3 but 2 were paired earlier with my v2 hub are not able to join (find). My v2 hub died during the Samsung upgrade so I have a new v3 hub which has been a major pain since day 1.

Process to rejoin

  1. I have done the disconnect hub for 5 min (closer to 45 min due to power outage).
  2. After power restored started the Smartthings app, Add device, Centralight, outlet, next, select hub, now in pairing mode
  3. Hold button on the outlet and plugged it in without getting a finger stuck
  4. Blinkly blue light
  5. 10 min, timeout — nothing.

Thoughts? Are these outlets useless now like the other 5 GE switches?

Did you find any solution ? I have the same problem

No solution. Samsung pointed to the manufacturer and the manufacturer pointed to Samsung since its sold by Samsung and branded Samsung. I will Crack these OpenTable to take a look at the IC but I suspect they need better soldering like the GE.

GE switches (older ones) have hard-coded programs once Z- wave IC and newer ones have programmable IC but are not surge rated. If you have any power flex, the GE get cooked.

Both devices somehow got CE certified but I haven’t seen such low standards for CE rated devices.

I have my solution. I had the old version of SmartThings on my iPad and worked. But after installed it the old version does not work
Anymore. I open my phone new version and the outlet was there
