Rule machine - as per the app developer, this app is no longer available for new installs, distribution, or support

Not sure that it matters, but I can’t find the text, but I can see that I was notified via the Smartthings application. Perhaps in my sleep stupor I thought I received a text but it was the actual application on my iphone notifying me.

The rule I just made that’s the same as yours, but for the time period and delay length, works just fine.

I’m always getting confused by push notifications, especially when I start testing something. If you want to check that it’s working at least sort of correctly, use the IDE:

Go to My Locations / List SmartApps / this rule. Click on the rule, and in the page that opens scroll down to see the scheduled jobs. You will see the two times for the time period, if you are using the time period as a Condition. When your rule proves true, there will be another scheduled job that is for the delayed action. You can hit Refresh at the top of that page to see the changes from events.

The difference between using time period as a Condition, or as a Restriction, all boil down to this: As a Condition, if the door is open at 10:00 PM, you will get the message if it isn’t closed by 10:15. As a Restriction, you wouldn’t get this message at all. So, for a warning rule like this, a Condition is probably better. The way you had it at first!!

Well…I guess I will continue with my original logic and see if I get any additional false notifies. It was strange that it seemed to work well (at least no false notifications) until last night and then all of the sudden I get two false triggers. Thanks for reviewing my work and your help.

I have been having trouble with delayed events in triggered rules the part couple of days. The entire rule fires properly, just not the delay part.

I guess I should be glad it is happening to others. I wish it was just a simple mistake on my part though. Here’s hoping for a reliable product in the near future.

I’ve found that the system is pretty darn reliable.

If I would just leave mine alone then it works great. But I get bored and start screwing with it and then I crash it!

Again, check the IDE for the rule, and see what’s up. If the delay is being scheduled correctly, but not run at that time, that would say that ST’s scheduler is broken. Wait, we already know that. Hmmmm…

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First rule of system administration: If it’s working, don’t mess with it! :slight_smile:

That being said, @bravenel, it looks like isPhysical() may be broken again on V2 hubs. I just realized that a couple of triggers I have for physical switches to turn on virtual switches (used for override purposes) are no longer working… grrr. @slagle, any input?

Odd. I got my V1 isPhysical() working by using an old dimmer switch device handler, and editing each switch that I need it for to be that type.

Are you sure those devices are still being treated as local? Because we know that the cloud based dimmer switch device handler that is current does not support isPhysical().

I’m using the stock device handler for the GE regular/dimmer switches (which should be local, right?) My only custom device handlers are for my Multisensor 6’s.

You should check in the IDE.

Thanks Bruce - great pointer (wasn’t aware of that in the IDE)… As I suspected, the light(s) in question all register as local, but the isPhysical() isn’t being detected… strange.

What I don’t know (wasn’t paying enough attention) is whether this was happening prior to the recent V2 hub firmware update.

You had so much excitement in your post, I had to figure out what your were talking about. I just integrated @bravenel’s repository and I too get it!!! :grin: I was already using for my own code but this definitely beats manually update the Rule Machine code.

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My wife just called me today to tell me things are going on via motion, but they aren’t turning off later like normal. So it looks like I’m also in the camp of the after delay not working right now either… I’ll have time to check logs later tonight to see whats up.

The same is happening in my house. ST is messed up, again.

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I read this and this thought went through my mind…

“They must be testing to make sure all of the bugs work for the next release”.

… Too soon?


A new issue: RM won’t let me use a Garage Door sensor - a ST Multisensor. It’s set to be a Garage Door, shows in the App correctly with door status, but RM won’t let me add it to a Condition - shows No Devices. Yet, here it is in the IDE:

Update: I finally realized that a Garage Door to RM is not a Garage Door sensor, but an opener/closer, and that Contact Sensor is what I need to use.
Perhaps “Garage Door” could be changed to “Garage Opener” to make it a little more obvious what’s meant?

Much too soon. :confused:

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And now I’m stuck: I keep looking for something like the SmartHome Monitor’s “For How Long” as part of the “At A Certain Time” panel.
How do I do an action when the Garage Door has been open for a half-hour?

I have my front door auto lock after 6 minutes and also push an SMS if left open for 10 in another rule.
I just set the DELAY:Rule x minutes.
If the condition clears in < x minutes nothing happens.